Chapter 23: The Only One

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*Dakota’s POV*

Wow, I’ve never been in a recording studio before, but I have seen pictures. This was right up there. Harry and Niall took a seat before the sound board that held a million buttons and switches. “We’re going to record the music first.” Niall said, looking over at me and Kariann.

I grabbed one of the chairs, pulling up close to the guys. “You think you can show me some of this stuff? I actually plan on going into recording arts at Full Sail.”

Niall smiled at me. “Seriously? Sure.”

Harry prepared the board for Liam to go in with the guitar. Niall explained to me what everything was for slowly, telling me what they were called and what each of them did. Liam went into the recording room and sat down on a stool before a microphone. “Alright.” Harry said in the intercom. “Ready whenever you are Liam.”

Liam gave a thumbs up and put on the headphones that laid before him. Niall reached over and pressed a button. “A beat meter is being played so he stays in tempo.” Harry explained to me.

Liam began to play. It was such a soft melody. The tune reminded me of their song of Little Things, but I could tell there was something different about it. It was slower, softer, filled with more tenderness. I looked over at Kariann who had her camera with her and was recording Liam through the window as he played the guitar.

That was actually our agreement with the video. She would mess with the filming and video while I was in charge of the audio. It was what we were going into for and we even received permission to do so. So if this video made it through, the two of us would receive that $25,000 scholarship. After a few minutes, Liam was done. “Alright. Once more.” Harry said.

“Um…” Kariann spoke up. “Is it okay if I go in and record him?”

“Yeah, go ahead.” Harry said and pressed the button. “Wait a moment, bud.”

Liam smiled when Kariann stepped in with her camera. “We make sure to do multiple takes of the song just in case.” Niall said to me as he started to mess with some of the stuff on the sound board.

Once Kariann was settled Harry gave Liam his cue. Liam began to play again.

Two guitars played in this and Niall was in charge of the second guitar. He headed inside, Kariann coming out to film once outside the room and once inside. The chords with his were different and more complex than Liam’s, but it sounded good, I could almost already hear the two melodies coming together. After Niall was done, Liam joined with him with another guitar. I caught on with the drift. They began to play the guitars together, Liam starting and Niall joining in soon afterwards. I was catching on to how the board worked by their first run and I was helping Harry during their second run.

It only took about a half hour to get the music down and I was watching as Harry put on headphones to listen to the melody a few times. He was smiling. “Hell yeah, it’s perfect. Alright, since the studio is only open for the next hour for us, we won’t have enough time to do singing one at a time. We already know our parts anyway so it’s not a big deal. Think you can handle the board? You just gotta listen to our pitching.”

I nodded at him and he and the guys all crowded in. Kariann was outside for the first shot of getting the guys to sing. They all put on their headphones, signaling to me that they were each ready. I cued the music.

I didn’t have time to really listen to the lyrics of the song since I was quite focused on the sound board, but either way, I could tell it sounded great. They guys did about three run-throughs before coming out to hear. Harry and Niall checked out the singing, nodding at each other and smiling, satisfied. Niall clapped me on the shoulder, “When you get your degree, you should come work for us.”

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