Chapter 9

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I sat in the chair sideways so Niall wouldnt notice that I had been crying. Then I accepted his call. And there on the screen flashed up my little Irish boy. I missed him so much, it was unbelievable.

"Hey Cassie."

"Hey." I waved a little bit at the screen.

"Hey! You don't have the bandage over your nose anymore! That is good right?"

"Yeah I guess but it still hurts really bad." I forgot I had taken the bandage thing off. But my nose still did hurt really bad.

"Love, you okay?" Niall asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied.

"Look at the screen then."


"Cassie, what is wrong?"

"Nothing it's just that my nose really hurts still."

That left us in silence. But Niall broke it.

"What time is it there?"

"Almost 9."

"Wow it is 2 in the afternoon here." I looked at the screen in shock. Ireland and here didn't have a time difference like that.

"Wait Niall, Where the hell are you??" Niall looked at me wide eyed.

"So I take it the lads didn't tell you?" he asked.

"No, they didn't."

" Oh well, I'm - I'm in the States." He said.

" You are where??? But your Tweeter said that you were boarding the plane with the others!! if you got onto the plane with them how are you still there?" I asked.

"Well there are two reasons why I said that. 1-beacuse it would bad on the band if one of us stayed back. It would look like we spilt or are fighting and don't want to be with each other anymore. And, 2- because of the fans. we have some crazy fans. And  since I am here and I was left one security guard, management didn't want me to get mobbed by fans every time I left the building."


"yeah, oh." He said. then he moved closer to the screen like he couldn't see me anymore.

"Cassie? Were- were you crying? Your eyes are all puffy and red." Niall asked me but I didn't want to answer because I knew it would only lead to other questions. But I nodded in response. I didn't want to lie to him, so I told the truth.

"Oh my god, What happened? Why are you crying?' He felt really great on how concerned he was about me. I turned my head back towards the screen so I could see Niall perfectly now.

"Why cant you come home, like you were going too?" Niall dropped his head a little like in defeat.

"They told you?" he looked up little bit at me then shook his head a little when he saw that I was nodding my head. He cussed under his breathe. He stood up from his chair and hit the table making the camera rattle so it looked like he was shaking.

"THIS WHY I TOLD THEM NOT TO TELL YOU!!!!" he yelled out loud. He wasn't directing it to me, he was just saying it.

About 5 minutes went by and I didn't say anything to Niall and he didn't say anything to me. he didn't sit back down in his seat. But he sent a text to someone, I don't know who tho. He was typing really fast, and that meant he was mad. I have seen him text like before, and it is kinda funny. Cause when he make a spelling error or something he cusses at the phone under his breathe.

When Niall finally sat back down he seemed to be a little more calm but he was shaking a little out of frustration. "Niall, can you please calm down?"

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