Chapter 32

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I woke up and looked around for Niall in the bed but he wasn't there. I rolled over unto my back and looked up at the ceiling and went in thought.

Today was now Thursday. Niall and the boys leave on Friday. Which is tomorrow. I don't know what time they leave , just that they are leaving. I felt my emotions change as I thought about them leaving. Last time they left I almost lost my Niall. What if that happens again. I don't think I can handle the boys leaving. They have only been here for like 3 months, and they are already leaving.

I already miss the boys. I haven't seen them i like 2 days. How am I going to be able to handle them leaving for almost an entire year? I also found out that Macy is moving to the States. She got a call about a week ago for an acting job. And it was going to pay really well so she took the job and she leaves in 2 weeks. And Gemma was going off the school. Auntie Anne was always at work. And since the boys were leaving for tour that means Josh is leaving too. El and Dani are going with the boys for about 2 months of the tour then returning back home. But that is 2 whole months without them. I was going to be left all by my self for like 2 months. And i wouldn't see my boys for almost a year. Can someone say Forever Alone any louder.

I knew there was Skype, facetime, and all those things. But it just isn't the same. I thought I had an entire month left with the boys, but I only have one day. I couldn't help but let a tear or two escape my eyes and slide down my cheeks. if I am crying just thinking about the boys leaving, I am going to be a mess when the actually leaving.

What if something happens, and I wont ever see them again?

What if they forget about me?

What if Niall meets another girl?

What if when Niall comes back, he wont love me anymore?

What if they come back and ignore me?

What if they get attacked me hungry dinosaurs and they die?

What if an giant asteroid hits Earth and only kills them?

What if they run out of food? Niall would die!

Okay, I am getting a little crazy. Some of those 'what ifs' would never happen. But some of them actually might. Like them forgetting me and Niall not loving me anymore. I started to heavily breathe and sweat. What if he didn't Love me anymore? My heart would be crushed. I don't think I would live like that. I needed Niall. He was apart of me. I loved him.

What if Harry forgot about me, I would die. Harry is practically my brother. I grew up with him. I know anything ad everything about him. He helped my through my parents and sisters death. When ever I was bullied at school for something he would tell the bullies off. When i was younger, Harry would always try to do my hair in the morning for school. And all through high school we was always protective over me. He never let me out of the house if I wasn't dressed modestly, to his liking. And when I started to date boys he would always talk to the guy and gave him the speech about not hurting me and stuff. Since he was 'the man of the house'.  When I started dating Jason, he always told me something wasn't right about him. And now I wish i would have Listened to him. The day harry found out about Jason abuseing me, he went all 'protective dad' on me. Sometimes Harry being protective can get really annoying . But sometimes I am thankful that he is like that.

 What if Liam forgot about me? I loved Him so much. He was so protective of me. He was the one who helped the boys see that I needed to grow up. He helped me get out of the house. Liam understood me from the start. he was pissed when he heard about Jason. And when ever the fans or paps would give me hate or attack me, he would be right there for me, to pick me back up. He always tried to make sure I was happy.

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