Chapter 19

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Niall was yelling and I didnt want him to awake Cassie. And if she wakes up she might not goback to sleep because of the nightmares.

"Niall! You need to shut up! If you wake her up, I wont be able to get her to sleep agian." I said to him to get him to lower his vioce. But it was too, fucken late. I caught eye on Cassie coming down the stairs.

"What is all the yelling -" she stopped in the middle of her sentence as she laid eyes on the new person in the room. "Niall." She said almost in a whisper but loud enough to be heard.

I looked at Niall and her was just standing there looking at her. Then I saw a smile tug onto his lips. He walked over to Cassie. He went go get a hug from her but she stepped away from him. She avoided his hug. I looked over at the others who noticed it to. I looked back at Niall who had an angry and hurt look in his eyes. He leaned back towards her again but she backed up to the wall.

Ed popped up from the couch and went to Cassie. He put his back towards Niall and then took Cassie in a hug. "Shhhh, it is okay." I heard him whisper into Cassie's ears as he stroked her hair.

Zayn got up from his seat and walked over to Niall. he tugged him away from Ed and Cassie.

"I am going to go get her back to bed." Ed said as he took Cassie's hand and lead her up the stairs.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, ED? YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER! WHY ARE YOU HERE ANYWAY? CASSIE DOESNT KNOW YOU! GET AWAY FROM HER!" Niall yelled back at Ed and Cassie as they reached the top of the stairs.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU HURT HER, NIALL! YOU DIDNT COME WHEN SHE NEEDED YOU THE MOST! YOU ARE THE FUCKEN REASON SHE GOT INTO THE WRECK! AND I THINK I AM HER BOYFREIND! WHO DO YOU THINK ARE, NIALL?" Ed yelled back own the stairs at Niall. Cassie was now crying and Niall had tears forming in his eyes. Ed lead Cassie into her room and shut the door.

Niall sat down on the couch and looked down. We all just stared at him. We didn't know what to say or do. None of us knew Niall was coming.

"Niall? Are you okay?" Louis asked as he took a seat down next to him.

"Is Cassie really sc-scared of me?" he stuttered and was trying to hold back the tears.

"No. She is just still shaken up about the wreck. She is just having some trust issues right now, I guess." Lou said as he gave Niall a pat on the back. 

"Is Ed really her-" he asked now taking his eyes off the ground and looking at me dead in the eyes. that is when I realized the tears had spilled. They left streaks on his cheeks. I have NEVER seen Niall like this. I looked at him in the eye and shook my head up and down. And the second I did he started to cry even harder. I feel like I just pierced his heart then ripped it out. He really loved Cassie, and now she was taken away from him.

I heard a door open upstairs. "HARRY!" I heard Ed yell. I bolted into action towards he stairs. I saw Niall get up form the couch but Louis pulled him back down. I walked up the stairs into Cassie's room then shut the door behind me.


I knew there was something I forgot to tell Niall. Ed was yelling back at Niall. But Niall had no right to yell at Ed. He shouldn't have talked like that at Ed. No matter who Ed was to me. Ed took me hand and lead me into my room. I was crying like crazy. Ed grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his chest. I stood there in his arms and cried. "Shhhh. You're okay. You're okay. It's okay, calm down. Shhhh." he whispered to. He started to stroke my hair giving me a since of comfort. I snuggled up closer to him and tried to stop crying. Ed loosened his grip on me. He looked at me in the eye "I am sorry I yelled." he said to me.

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