Chapter 11

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We pulled into the driveway to the house. I Searched my purse for my keys but I couldn't find them. "Harry, do you have your keys, I think I forgot mine in the house."

"No, but the boys are home. They will let us in."

With those words we got out of the car and walked up to the front door. I rang the door bell while Harry was knocking. But no one was answering the door. I pulled out my phone to call one of the boys to tell them to answer the door, but Harry stopped me. "I guess they went to the beach." He said showing me Liam's most recent Tweet.

"Well great then. What should we do?"

"Want to go for a walk?" Harry answered my question with another question. I hated when people did that.

"Sure I guess."

We started down the street then turned the corner. "You know, I didn't even know that Uncle Simon was going to ask you to date Ed. None of us knew. We only knew about Niall and Selena."

"You guys didn't know? Wow."

"Yeah so  non us boys know except me." He stopped talking then looked at me "Niall doesn't know." he finished his statement. 

"Grreeeaaaattttt." I said while giving myself a little facepalm.

Harry laughed a little at that. But I guess it wouldn't be do hard to tell him because he is going to be doing the same thing. So it's not like he will get really mad. I have to go through it too.  Harry turned another corner, I had no idea where he was going but he had to kill some time since the boys wouldn't be home for awhile. "Harry I want to go home. Can we turn back around?" I kinda did want to go home I needed to think. I don't know what about but I had to think about stuff. And I was getting sleepy.

"Sure, but I don't know if we can get in." Harry turned on his heels and walked back up the street to the house.

"LOOK! IT IS HARRY STYLES!!!!!" I hear someone yell. Well shit. "run!" Harry told me before taking off towards the house. So I too sprinted into action and followed after him. I looked behind me to see a swarm of teenage girls and paparazzi chasseing after us. Once we reached the house we didn't try to get in the house but instead got into the car. Harry quickly pulled the keys out of his pocket and putting them into the ignition and started the car. He sped off as fast as he could from the mob of fans and paparazzi.

"Shit! Sorry Cassie. But Since they have seen the car, you might have to get a new car or new tag. I will talk to management about it. Sorry."

"It's no problem. It is fine. Now, where are we going to go?"

"Well, how about we go to Macy's?" Harry suggest. He did a weird dance with his eyebrows.

"Harry I a not going over there so you two can play sucky face with each other."

"Haha. Well I believe you have to tell her about your new boyfriend." right when he said that my phone buzzed, signaling  that I had a text message. 

To Cassie

From Zayn 

Thank you warning us about the giant mob of fans by the house. Why are they here?

To Zayn

From Cassie

They followed us to the house. Sorry.

"Harry the boys are home. Can we go home now?"

Harry nodded his head turned the car around in an illegal 'U' turn. Once we go to the house all the fans were gone, so we got out of the car with no one swarming us. We walked up to the front door and I guess the boys left it unlocked cause we didn't have to knock to get in. "HEY WE'RE HOME!!" I yelled throughout the house so they could hear me. All 3 of them came running down the stairs to the room me and Harry were in.

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