12: Evie vs Michael

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Luke and I turned around in our chairs.

"Damn, you're excited already and the game isn't until seven." Lucas said as in dug into his noodles.

Damien held his hands up in surrender. His blue Canucks hockey jersey sleeves moved down his arms as he dropped them to his sides. "I'm excited okay? I haven't been to a hockey game in years. We have..." He looked at his watch. "Two hours until the game. We leave in an hour and fifteen minute. I'm sweating with excitement."

I smiled at him. "Yeah, I can kind of see that."

"Aren't you excited?"

I turned a page in my magazine and winked. "Of course I am. But clearly not as excited as you.."

"This is true." Katherine walked in wearing a white Canucks hockey jersey. "But I am pretty excited though."

Laura then waltzed in but she was in a white polo shirt and jeans. "I'm excited."

I stood up. "Where's the other three?"

"Stacey is coming and George and Chris will meet us there." Damien replied.

Kate invited Stacey from my Literature class. I wasn't aware Kate knew Stacey but I'm not surprised. Katherine seems to know everyone.

"We have to be back before daylight though, Mr.Reeves gave us an assignment and I need to get started." Laura said.

I scowled down at my magazine. 

So, this week I wasn't able to moan at him. I knew he came back on Monday because I saw him wandering about the library. I was sat on a table while he was standing around a corner in one of the aisles. When I stood up to talk to him I chickened out and left. 

It was a great opportunity and I was too much of a chicken. I tried to do it after class on Wednesday but he rushed off at the end for a meeting. I couldn't do it on Tuesday because I'd been bundled out by the other students.

I'm going to have to catch him in my free hour before his class. Plus neither of us has made any contact with each other. Not even eye contact.

I walked past everyone to get to my room and started changing. I didn't really know what one wore to a hockey game so I put on a pair of jeans, a black vest and a light blue shirt. The colors suit the occasion.  

I shrugged on my brown coat and black scarf after putting on my white Converse.

"Knock, knock."

I turned and smiled at Laura as she opened the door. "Is this okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "Perfect." She walked in and started touching random things on my desk.

"Something wrong?"

"Well..." Laura started playing with a lock of her hair. "Yeah, it's Stacey."

"What about her?" I grabbed my bag, purse and ticket.

"Do you think she likes Damien?"

I rolled my eyes as I stood beside my desk. "She's doesn't know him."

"Well, she does now and she's all over him. Why did Kate have to invite her?"

"Laura, if I didn't know any better I would think you were jealous."

She gasped over dramatically and her cheeks tinted pink. "I am not jealous. I'm merely curious. Stacey just seems like one of those."

I chuckled. "Stacey is a lovely girl, Laura. Get to know her. Maybe she doesn't like Damien." I grabbed her hand and started pulling her downstairs. "Stop assuming. Just talk to her. We're not in high school anymore. We don't bitch--"

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