34: Bruised

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As I looked around frantically, I wondered why there was absolutely no one on the streets. Yes, it was Sunday but I expected at least someone... anyone...

His grip on my right arm wasn't rough nor was his slight pulls as he walked down the road. What was the point in struggling? Running would only involve him easily chasing me and grabbing me again while trying to pull my arm free would cause bruises although, I'm pretty sure I have one anyway. Even the lightest of grips from him seemed painful.

His grey eyes were vigilant, looking left to right every time we walked past a small alley or parking lot. And then he yanked me to the left sharply into, ironically, an alley although we'd managed to pass several of them. He led me further in, the grip on my arm loosening. I took my arm from his grip and stopped but he only huffed obviously frustrated and grabbed my arm again.

"What is your problem?" I asked. I wasn't afraid of this man anymore. I knew he couldn't hurt either by order or not. Although, there was still fear biting at the back of my neck and slightly kicking my heart into a faster and heavier rhythm.

"I need to speak with you. I have six minutes before your vampire realises you are gone." He shocked me by replying. He carried on walking, tugging me along with him. I noticed tonight he was in different clothes. New clothes. A light grey body hugging t-shirt and almost black jeans. His blonde hair was still messy but it looked like he got it cut. Can he go out in the daylight? When I looked at the hand on my arm I saw no ring and the other hand was also empty.

He stopped after turning a last corner. He let go of my arm and turned to me.

"There wasn't a need to drag me." I muttered.

"You wouldn't have come quietly." He replied.

"What do you want?" I asked as I discreetly put my hand on it to see if it was a bruise. Yep. A bruise. I flinched a little but hid it by turning my head.

"It's not something I haven't asked of you before." His eyes looked at me briefly before he backed up and leaned against the wall.

This wasn't a casual conversation. Wouldn't he worry about me running or even shouting?

"What?" I stayed frozen to my spot, unable to even move voluntarily just yet.

"I need you to stop looking for me. You almost went out last night and that was the most simpleminded thing you could have done."

My eyes widened and my limbs finally came back to my control. "Excuse me?"

"I have the will power to restrain myself from hurting you when I'm not thirsty... but other vampires can't." He pushed off the wall. He didn't look thirsty like the other night I saw him.

"I realised this--"

"Too late." He finished for me. "That wasn't me by your witches' house, Evangeline. And it seems that your blood is not only attractive to your boyfriend."

Something I already knew. "So you know my name then?"

"Yes." He looked to his left before coming forward. "You need to promise you won't look for me."

I shook my head. "I can't promise you that."

"Yes, you can." I took steps back as he advanced forward. "Promise me or I can make you promise me."

I shut my eyes but continued walking backwards. "You won't hurt me."

I was still walking backward but his hand suddenly shot out and grabbed my wrist to stop me.

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