54: Blood

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Oh, I love dreaming. 

The feeling of being free, the feeling to do whatever I wanted. Unless, of course it was a nightmare.

Like now for example. It was weird; one moment I'm wandering around in a dark forest and Florence pounces on me, sinks her teeth into me and I'm willing my body to move, the next I'm folded within Michael's arms and he's planting kisses on the nape of my neck in his study.

The switch between dreams was driving me to insanity. But no matter what I tried I couldn't wake up. I wasn't usually one that was able to wake up from a dream that's why my sleep pattern as a child sucked.

It got to a point where Michael and Florence were arguing and I'd had enough.

What was that smell?

My nose wrinkled as I lifted my oddly heavy hand to my nose. It smelt like... disinfectant. 

My hand suddenly stopped halfway and I blinked open my raw and scratchy eyes. The light above my head was dim but it still made my eyes sting like crazy.

I groaned almost immediately as I tried again to rub my eyes to regain focus. 

"Oh, you're awake."

I blinked again and noticed a woman at the foot of my bed with a clipboard. What was she doing in my room? 

Wait a minute, this wasn't my room. I darted my eyes from left to right and sighed.

I was in a hospital room. A private one at that because no one else was in here. I looked down at my hand and saw the thin tub connected to the top of my wrist. I followed the tube to a large clear bag of fluid that was hydrating my body. How long...

"You've been asleep for almost fifteen hours," The young woman I now noticed was in a nurse uniform said.

The events of the last twenty-four hours hit me and I suddenly started to hyperventilate. I brought my hand to my neck; it was covered by gauze. My body was sore, my neck felt like I had whiplash probably from when she strangled me. Where was Michael? Nate? Am I a...? 

 "Easy, calm down. My name is Carol, I'm going to do a few tests and call the doctor in, okay? You don't have to speak if you don't want to; your throat may be a little sore so they'll be yes or no questions."

She asked me a few simple questions like if I remembered where I lived, if I was having any trouble breathing, if I remembered the last twenty four hours. She asked me to say a few words and walked out for a few seconds before returning with a cup of water. She started asking me harder questions that required more than a yes and no. 

"Your doctor is on her break but she'll be back in half hour. Meanwhile there are a few visitors here for you," The blonde's eyes started to sparkle and I knew exactly who the 'visitors' were. "Do you want them to come in?"

"Yes," My voice was extremely groggy; I had to take another sip of water. I hoped I didn't look like hell.

The nurse pressed a button on my bed that positioned it upright before walking out.

And then Nate poked his head in.

The smile on his face as he walked in and shut the door had me thinking positively. He hadn't changed his clothes. He'd taken off his hoodie so he was wearing a grey cotton long sleeve. He'd clearly washed his face and hands but his knees were muddy and his shoes looked like he'd been running in dirt for hours. 

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