Chapter TEN

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Lala's POV

Toren and I are done. This dude had a girlfriend and Didn't bother to tell me?? He also had the nerve to kiss her right in front of my face!?

Im starting to wonder if any of it was real.. The conversations, time we spent together, party and etc. Was he just doing it to get the cookie? *sighs* relationships never work for me...

I dried my eyes and changed back into my clothes. The bell was getting ready to ring. The rest of the girls came in and Lola came over to me.

Lola: You okay sweetie? Screw Toren!!

Me: Im good

I walked off and walked to my next block alone. Percy chased after me but i blew him off. I didnt feel like talking to anyone, not even Lele.

I walked in class and i could feel Toren burning a hole into the right side of my face. I ignored him and sat in the back of the class room. The teacher checked roll and started her lesson.

Time creeped by!! But finally the bell rang. I walked to lunch in silence and alone. As i pushed the lunch room door open, i felt a arm grab me.

I turned around and it was Percy. I looked the other way and got into the lunch line. He didnt care about me ignoring him, he still followed behind me.

Percy: Lala, just talk to me. Dont let that jerk get you worked up. He doesnt even ... Well he shouldnt even matter!

Me: get to the point Percy.

Percy: I want to show you a great time here in California. The right way!! No house party, something nice. Would you let me do that?

Me: I guess so, call me after school and we'll talk more about it.

Percy: Cool, come sit with me and my crew. Your sister is over there.

I put my apple on my plate and followed Percy to the round table. His friends were all at the table talking. I sat down next to Percy and ate.

I looked across the lunch room and saw Lola and Lele over at Toren's table.

I listened to them run their mouths and laughed a bit. When i was done, me and Percy got up and went into the court yard for the remainder of the lunch hour. We talked and he was their to comfort me.

I wasn't letting him in like i let Toren in. I wasn't gonna let someone else take advantage of my feelings again. He held my hand so sweetly. He even took cute pictures with me. I loved every moment of it but i wasn't backing down from my ground.

The bell rang and we went to our last class together. I walked in with Percy at my side. Toren was looking and i knew it. But i could care less!

I sat behind him and he sat in front of me. The teacher went on and on about American History. I hated history. It was so damn boring. But the time seemed to fly! The bell rang and i jumped up.

Ms.Dally: You have an exam in two days. Get a study buddy today and review the notes.

Me: Would you like to be my study buddy Percy?

Percy: Girl please, im smart. Study for what?

Me: Yeah right! Come over to my place and we can study together at 7.

Percy: cool. Need a ride home?

Me: Im driving.

Percy: How about we ride to school together..?

I thought about it then answered "yes". Riding with Percy would be nice,i guess. He walked me to my car. I gave him a hug and pulled off. I swear that guy made my day do a complete TURN!

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