Chapter TWO

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Btw .. Lala is the main character i just wanted Lele to have a POV so you guys could see things from her point of view. The younger brother "Dede" is only seven so he might not have a lot of lines or any POVS. But i hope you enjoy. 😊😄

Lalas POV

So were here. Me, my sister and little brother are walking through the neighborhood. I see a lot of thugs and trades and their all cute!

But im not interested in the thug type so im looking past them. Even though they were giving major shots at me and Lele.

Guy: Say slim?

Lele: Talking to me?

Guy: nah the other twin

Me: Swerve along

Guy: Thats how it is?

Me: Yes sir

I turned around and continued to walk. We walk up to this park thats right down the street from us. We stopped and peeped things out.

Dede: Can i go play?

Lele: Yeah. Stay were we can see

Dede: Okay

Dede ran along and went to play on the swing. It had a basketball court, a little field where they were playing foot ball, a full playground, and a pool area.

Me and Lee went over to the fence by the basketball area. We stood there checking things out. As my eyes were scanning everything, i run across this fucking trade ass boy.

He had tattos on his back, chest and arms. He looked a little puerto rican with some black in him just like me. And baby his waves was on swim! He wore black basketball shorts, some navy blue Converse with Nike socks. He didn't have a shirt on. From the looks of it, he had a lip ring.

He stopped and looked over at me. I guess he felt me staring. I quickly turned my head as if i wasn't just drooling over him for six seconds.

He turned away smirking with this sexy ass smile. He was damn gorgeous.

Lele: Close your mouth, flys might get in

Me: What?

Lele: Who you peeping already?

She followed to see where my eyes where looking towards and smiled widely.

Lele: Gorgeous. You should go over and talk to him while he's sitting.

Lele knows I'm not the too much of an outspoken type of person so ill never go over to that guy. I just keep low and observe most things ever since i went through a bad break up two months ago... Ugh! I hate speaking of that.

Me: No, hes playing ball right now. Maybe later. & he looks too thuggish for me.

Knowing me, there would never be a later so she started to bug me about talking to him.

And besides, he was cute but he wasnt really my type of guy. Im not saying i wouldn't talk to him.

Lele: Lala hes sitting down now so heres your chance. Plus hes looking at you! Girl go for it.

Lele pulled me by my arm and pushed me a little. I was just gonna go sit over there near him but not say a word. Thats until i saw him coming towards me. I kinda froze up but i knew i had to play it cool.

The guy: Hi. Im Toren (pronounced Tor-in) and you are?

Me: La'shawn but you can call me Lala. Nice to meet you Toren.

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