Chapter23 "Falling for you"

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Lala's POV

Last night was incredible. Me and Toren finally made a move. I wasnt gonna have sex with him because i wasn't ready.

I didnt wanna tell him I'm a virgin. He'll find out sooner or later. But today is Saturday and were spending family time with Madison.

I woke up before Maddy and Toren so i decided to make breakfast. I was in the kitchen making Pancakes and bacon with homemade orange juice.

I fixed Toren and Maddy's plate and sat it on the table. I went upstairs and woke them both up. Toren went into the bathroom and i carried Madison down stairs with me.

Since i was gonna be her new mommy, we both should bond together. I sat her at the table and she dug in. I sat down and did the same.

Toren came down and sat across from me.

Toren: Goodmorning.

Me: Goodmorning Toren.

Toren: I appreciate this breakfast.

Me: It was nothing.

Toren: We need to talk.. Later on.

My heart dropped. I never wanted to hear those words! When someone wanted to talk it meant either two things. We did something wrong or they actually wanna talk.

I nodded my head and kept eating. When we were done, i took the plates and washed them. It was 10:30 now. It was still too early to start our day.

I went into the room and sat down on the bed. Toren came in behind me and sat next to me.

Me: So, lets talk.

Toren: Im feeling you Lala. I really like you. And i have never told that to anyone! I wanna take another step with me and you. Your like a mother to my child now so lets put the games aside. Would you be my girl?

A huge koolaid smile flew across my face. I was surprised!

Me: Of course ill be your girl!

We smiled and kissed passionately. I broke away from the kiss them hugged him.

Toren: Good. Im going over to Krit's for awhile. Be ready at 2 oclock.

Me: I will.

Toren kissed me then left. I laid down and took a nap until 2.


Lele's POV

Since ive been back from Louisiana, i been staying with Sam. Yes we are a couple now! He treats me great.

We go out to dinner, shopping together, walks in the park and have sweet conversations. I love spending every moment with him!

I think I'm starting to fall for him. I haven't gave the cookie up yet because I'm not 100% sure about my feelings.

But tonight he's taking me somewhere. He told me that its a surprise. I cant wait until tonight!

Lola's POV

So my mom got a chance to meet Gunna. She approved of him. We made our relationship official yesterday.

Ive been the happiest person on Earth! We go on dates very often. Or sometimes we'll just chill at his crib and have a movie night.

I havent been spending much time with my girls so on Sunday, when I'm free ill see if they wanna triple date! I told Gunna about it and he loved the idea.

But i have really been falling for him. He treats me so special. I don't think i want anyone else but him.

I think I'm falling in love with this guy.

Toren's POV

Last couple of days been cray! Drama with Morgan, trap got hit, Madison's living with me, (the judge officially handed her over to me), the funeral and more! But i have Lala to come home to.

Without her i don't know what the hell ill be doing. She keeps me focused & happy! She's a great help with Madison too.

She feeds her, combs her hair, baths her, and plays with her. She's a great mother figure for her and thats what i need. I keep my plate pull. If Lala wasnt here, i wouldnt ever have time to focus on Maddy and we wouldnt spend time together.

Lala treats Madison as if that was her own child. Im happy i made this girl mine. I was talking with Gunna and he me to cuff her.

I did exactly that. I didn't want her to be waiting for me then find someone else. A thug ready to settle. And i need someone who gone hold me down. Ya feel me?

Thats just what Lala does. She makes me wanna through my playa card in for good. She haven't even put that pussy on me and I'm whipped! Thats how you know its real.

We finally made it officially and I'm happy about that too. I really like Lala. Shes a keeper! No lie but this girl got a thug falling in love.

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