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Lala's Pov.

I got the call from Lele. I wasnt going to answer but something told me i should, so i did.

I expected Lele to pick up but it was Lola. She told me the news and i instantly broke down.

I managed to tell Percy and he held me. After awhile we got up and packed our things. He flew straight to the airport.

On our way there we held hands silently. When we arived i rushed into Lele and Lola's arms. Then i gave Lola's mom a bear hug too.

We grabbed our bags and walked in. We put our bags through the machine.

The intercom announced our flight and we went in the doors. When we got in, the lady greeted us and everyone sat in first class.

Percy was paying for everything. Right as i was putting my seatbelt on, i saw Toren enter the doors.

He sat down next to me.

Me: Why are you here?

Toren: Because i belong here, not Percy. This dude is using you and im not able to sit back and watch.

Me: No, Percy actually cares about me.

Toren: You'll see. Your gonna find out who's really here for you Lala.

After that Toren faced forward and put his earphones in his ears. I did the same. I was gonna take a long nap until we landed.

~ To Be Continued ~

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