Chapter19 "New life"

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Toren's POV

I heard my alarm going off from the night stand. I reached over and turned it off. I looked over and Lala was still sleep. I guess ill let her sleep for another thirty minutes.

Shes been through a lot. I know she needs the extra rest. I got up and went and took a 15 minute shower. I got out and put my clothes on.

I was wearing navy blue sweats, white V-neck shirt, and my Elite socks with Grapes. Once i was done with my morning routine i woke up Lala.

Me: Lala.. Baby wake up.

Lala: Okay. Im up.

I pulled the cover off her and put her socks on for her. I grabbed her an outfit that matched mine. She just laid there with her eyes closed as i dressed her.

I managed to put her on a white V-neck, navy blue sweats, Elite socks with Grapes. I pulled her out of bed and she creeped to the bath room.

She opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror.

Lala: I took terrible.

Me: No, you look beautiful.

I gave her a kiss on the neck as i held her hips. Lala washed her face then brushed her teeth. She didn't put any make up on because she doesn't need it.

Me: Here Lala, put this on.

I handed her a hat to wear. I had a matching one. Lele knocked on the door then walked in.

Lele: You two look great!! I love the matching outfits.

Me: Thanks.

I packed Lala's things for her and carried them to the car. I got the rest of the bags then sat on the sofa waiting for everyone else.

Lala was still upstairs getting Dede dressed. Lola came down stairs and sat beside me. Ms. Cassidy went outside to put their bags in Aunt Danny's truck.

After that Lala and Dede came down stairs. Lele came out the kitchen with a sandwich in her hand.

Ms.Cassidy: Ready?

Everyone nodded. We got into the truck and Aunt Danny drove us to the airport. We said our goodbyes and walked inside

We heard the intercom say our flight number and we got onto the plane. I sat next to Lala. Dede and Lele sat together and Lola and Ms. Cass sat together.

Lala put her earphones in and held my hand. She was scared of how the plane took off from the ground. Haha!! She fell asleep with her head on my shoulder.

I played in her curly hair as she slept. Every girl loves that. 6 hours later we were in California.

We met up with Sam at the airport.

Lele: Saaam!!

Sam held his arms out and Lele charged into him. Those two must of kept contact since we been gone.

Gunna and Lola were hugging too. I guess match making has been going on and i didn't relies it.

Lala: Sorry to break up the love fest but can we go?

Sam: *laughs* yeah. Get in.

We got into Sam's truck and drove off. We had about another hour until we got to Compton. We were in Los Angeles.

About an hour later we pulled up to Lala and Lele's house. Lola and Ms. cassidy stayed in the car. Sam was gonna drop those two off.

Diego was sleep so i carried him to the house. Lala and Lele carried the bags and i grabbed my stuff.

Lala pulled out her house key and we walked in.

Me: Pack your things. Lele and Dede... You two!

Dede will live with Ms.Cassidy while Lala stays with me. Just for awhile. I told her she could stay with me until shes ready to leave. I hope that day never comes though.

I helped Lala pack then i put the stuff in Sam's trunk. Sam helped Lele and Diego. When we were done we took Dede to ms.Cassidy house.

Dede would love it there because Ms.Cassidy has a younger son name Greg. He's seven years old.

He's mostly with his dad though.

Lele was going to stay with Sam. They were a couple now. Me and Lala were just friends. She never even told me if she had feelings for me.

It was a few things that i was keeping from Lala too. I wanted to tell her but i was afraid of how she might react on it.

But i didn't want her to find out from someone else and the situation be even worst.

I was going to tell her tonight. Some kind of way. I just couldn't keep this from her any longer. If we were going to be living with each other then she should know.

Krit drove my car to the house. He got into the back and Lala sat in the passenger side next to me. We drove in silent the whole way to Krit's crib. Only the radio spoke.

After i dropped Krit off i headed to my house. We pulled up and we got the bags out the car. Lala unpacked. I went downstairs and in the back yard for a smoke.

I haven't got high in awhile. I lite my blunt up and took two good puffs. On the fifth puff i heard the door open. I looked back and it was Lala. I put it out and turned her way in the chair.

She came and sat on my lap.

Lala: Whats wrong?

Me: What you talking about ma?

Lala: Dont bullshit me. You been acting different since we got here. Whats on your mind.

I let out a sign.. Oh shit, here we go...

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