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Lele's POV

I was at Starbucks with Lola. It had already been informed about my mom leaving before Lala even knew.

It bothered me so much. Why would she leave us with no explanation? It was eating me up. Lola tried making me feel better so she took me out for the day.

We been trying to contact Lala but she never picks the phone up or respond to my text. Percy says that she doesnt wanna be bothered. We even popped up over there to check on her.

But Percy said she was asleep. I tried brushing it off but im worried about my sister!! She just got out the hospital, Toren messed over her and mom's gone.

I know shes been messing me too. We have never been apart from each other. I dont think her staying with Percy is the best idea.

Lola and I were sitting around sipping on our Frappe's. it was about 4:30 when i got a phone call from my step dad John. I thought it might be my mom calling so i answered quick.

Phone call ...


Me: Woah, chill. Calm yourself and tell me whats up? ...... Where's mom?

I started to panic because John was silent.


John: She's... I left the house for about 20 minutes and when i came back she was dead on the sofa. She shot herself in the top of her mouth.

Me: *cries* nooooo. You cant be serious!! *cries* noo!!

John: Call your sister and tell her the news. Fly out on the first plane to New Orleans now!

I hung up the phone. Lola was shaking me asking what was wrong almost in tears. She pulled me out Starbucks because people were looking.

Me: My mom's dead. She shot herself in the top of her mouth. We have to go to New Orleans but first i have to call Lala *cries more*

Lola took my phone and dialed Lala's number.

Lala: Yes?

Lola: Your sister couldnt tell you this but i will. She just got a phone call from John, he said that your mom shot herself in the top of her mouth. She's dead, Lala. Were taking the first flight to New Orleans.

Lala: ..................

Lola: Its okay, its okay. Tell Percy to get you to the Airport in an hour.

Lala: Stay strong, ma. I love you.

* hangs up *

Lola handed me my phone back and we drove off. With in 5 minutes we were at the house.

We got out, went i side and started packing. I was crushed!! I wouldn't say a word. When we were born, we put the bags in the car and left. Lola's mom (Cassidy) was coming with us.

She was like my aunt so thats what I called her. She drove us to the airport and their was Percy and Lala standing there.

I got out the car and ran into Lala's arms. Lola did the same. We all cried in a huge group hug.

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