Chapter 6 Five Acres Nottingham Present Day

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Chapter Six

Five Acres Nottinghamshire England  2013

The early morning sun woke me as it streamed through the leaded windows , I hoped waking me to a better day . Visiting was at 11am today but I thought I might go into town early  as I had two passport forms to drop in at the larger Post Office .

I parked up outside still eating the apple I'd grabbed for breakfast . Glancing across the road the library was just opening . The lady I'd met yesterday was turning the sign in the window from closed to open. The town was a hive of activity , with early morning shoppers . Two old women chatted busily , whilst a young girl was having an animated conversation on her mobile phone . A street cleaner passed in front of me pushing his yellow trolley whistling as a convertible car slowed to the lights Jay Z playing loudly on its sound system.

Noticing me across the road the library lady waved and shouted

" I say ...hello"

I walked over to her

" Hi good morning " I waved back .

" Oh I'm so pleased that I've met you this morning she said picking something from her extremely tailored black suit jacket pocket " You know I said I'd do some digging " She looked around as if about to tell a secret " Well , I haven't had much chance yet , but here " handing me the leaflet she had picked from her pocket .

" Thank you " I opened the leaflet

She leaned forward and whispered " It's for the Peoples Museum in Salford " she was so close I could smell extremely expensive perfume .

I started to thank her but she interrupted me .

" Lots of info on Tutbury there ....see directions on the back " pointing at a small map "On one floor is a museum called The Peoples Facility " it's an absolute treasure trove about industrial stuff , lots of mill stuff"

" Oh that will be really helpful .....thank you " I said folding the leaflet

She pointed again at the leaflet in my hand " Well...I read you have to make an appointment to visit that bit , but the numbers right there" ....prodding my hand and the leaflet

" Thanks , thank you ....I really appreciate your help " I smiled , stuffing the leaflet into my pocket ..." I will make an appointment and try and go tomorrow"

As usual the queue to the hospital trailed back onto the main road . This time the cause was a digging machine blocking the way which didn't appear to have a driver . Expecting a long wait , I took the leaflet from my pocket . Might be useful I thought . Punching the numbers into my mobile phone I made an appointment for the following morning , explaining that I wanted to find out as much as I could about Joshua Tutbury . The lady took my contact details and confirmed the appointment .

The hospital corridors were starting to look familiar and staff were beginning to acknowledge me . The walls off white with a series of meandering coloured arrows and lines directing you to a particular zone .

Just before Carols room a nurse popped her head out of the staff room as if she was expecting me . I hadn't seen her before .

" Oh Mr Tutbury"


She walked out to me taking my arm in a sort of guiding manner

" Your wife isn't in there , we've moved her "

" She's ok isn't she " I stopped

" Yes Yes , it will all be explained , don't worry ......Dr Blake  would like to meet you , he's just through here " leading me by the arm along the corridor pointing with the other to a blue door

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