Part 2 The Peoples Facility Present Day

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Still impossible to focus , was I in a room or a void or what . Then a slight buzzing noise and slowly light started to fill this vast rom .

Where was I

As the room brightened I could make out a giant stone or marble looking circular table to my right , The table was surrounded by large high back oak chairs , I counted thirteen  of them . One of the chairs was virtually a copy of the one earlier . Much larger with serpent heads entwined around its frame . Rubies and diamonds and emeralds covered it . A red drape was thrown over the arms , almost royal in appearance.

I walked further in , now stood in the middle of this throne room , because that was basically what it had the appearance of . How else would you describe such regal splendour . Two sets of double panelled doors , one set which I had entered through were ornately carved with dragons and serpents heads . Surrounding the room , were pew type seats , high backed but with individual arm rests . I remembered seeing something similar in the Dojes Palace in Venice last year whilst on holiday with Carol . Oh to turn back the clock to then.

A huge oval window dominated to my left , offering a panoramic skyline for miles . Two red uniformed assistants had drawn the crimson and gold curtains , like robes they trailed on the floor . The assistants stood like sentries at each side. Sunlight now flooded into the room.. The ceiling was a series of religious images . Directly over the throne chair painted into the ceiling was a Michaelangelo in style image of God pointing down at the chair . Some images were Christian, some Egyptian or Arabic . Silk banners draped from walls in a sea of Golds and reds and blues , similar to an Arabic palace . The floor was like a black and white chessboard . A gold symbol appearing randomly in some squares .

I found myself turning round and round trying to take in the spectacle .

Suddenly the other double doors opened . A tall blonde woman dressed in red walked two paces in . She turned sideways to the open doors . Completely oblivious of me there .I raised my hand as if to wave or gesture when a man appeared in the doorway . Tall and elegant wearing a black suit , dark tie with dark grey flecked hair almost funerial in appearance , probably in his late fifties . He walked into the room . To his left six  similarly dressed men followed him in. Again not one of them acknowledged me .They walked in single file towards the the circular table . The first man to walk in stood behind the serpent backed chair.

My arm was still slightly raised as if frozen in time , my mouth was probably open as if mid sentence . I shuffled from side to side , feeling and probably looking very awkward.

The first man gestured that the others should sit . Almost in unison they walked around the front of their chairs . The first waiting until they were seated and then sat in the throne chair.

I mumbled incoherently , I don't think a sound came out .

The blonde lady who had appeared with them as they entered walked as if marching towards me . Taking my arm she led me firmly toward the seated me . Stopping about ten feet from them she let go of my arm .

" I bring Mr Tutbury " she said coldly

The ones who could look in my direction did so , those with their backs to me did not turn around .

I raised my hand , I don't know why I did, but I did saying

" Hello Gentlemen "

The first man pointed at me , dismissively gesturing I should be quiet.

The blonde lady turned away from me and started to walk towards the doors. I glanced after her watching her walk in the same military manner . She closed the door , bowing as she backed out of the room.The doors thud was the only sound in the room . I turned my direction from the door to the men . A stillness ran through the room and a cold shiver ran through me .

Placing his palms together the first man breathed in and stared straight at me his eyes horrifyingly cold

" Mr Tutbury ......Welcome ......My name is James Fludd , you are a guest of the Gideon Society "

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