Chapter 20

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Stood in a throne room, which could have stepped straight out of ant European palace with a ginger biscuit in one hand , holding a cup of tea in fine china and watching a group of sinister looking men in dark suits drink the same in absolute silence had to be the most surreal thing that had ever happened to me .

But it was happening .

The empty cups were collected in and still standing in the same position I waited .

Fludd tapped the table lightly , not that anyone was speaking .

" The thing is Mr Tutbury , I hope you will now listen. You may well go the the Police in this country or even the states , but the thing is ...........we are the law ..........Do you understand yet "

I shrugged my shoulders

" No I don't think so " I replied , because I didn't really

Fludd raised himself again , folding his arms as he spoke

" What are people most scared of "

Again I shrugged

" I don't know , death I guess " It seemed the most sensible reply and it was the first that came to mind

Fludd clapped his hands slowly twice

He nodded before continuing

" Good .....people are scared of what they cant control , death the unknown etc "

I jumped in which I know annoyed Fludd " I don't know anything about that"

Oh but you do Mr Tutbury " replied , " Your wife is ill and you are scared because you can't do anything about it , you can't make her well "

I just scared back at him, I guess he was right there

" You would do anything to make her better , wouldn't you "

" Yes of course I would " I blurted out " But what has paintings , muslims , god all that kinda stuff got to do with me "

Fludd nodded in agreement with me

" That will all become apparent "

" I hope so " I tiredly answered , I am just a normal guy , who is pretty broke up right now , trying my best "

Fludd stood fastening his jacket button as he did and straightening his tie

" The Gideon society Mr Tutbury is an organisation devoted to world peace and has been since its founder Mr Gideon Tutbury  created all this you see "

The name Tutbury focussed my attention back to him

" Tutbury " I exclaimed pointing at myself

Fludd continued

" Yes Tutbury , Gideon Tutbury , son of Joshua Tutbury "

Now he had my attention

" You mean the one from the village I live in , Five Acres "

" The very same Mr Tutbury, Gideon Tutbury formed this after breaking away from his Father in 1820 , upon the death of his Father Joshua "

" You mean from that Great Mill" my reaearch jumped into my memory

Fludd nodded again

" Yes the same "

I scratched my cheek nervously " You mean the one who had my house"

Fludd nodded again " Yes"

" Ok Fludd you now have my attention " I confirmed and he did. Then before waiting for him to continue I blurted out again " Ok I get it , I suppose I'm here because some long lost descendant of mine Joshua Tutbury did something wrong , like in the films , I move into his house and you come after me "

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