Gideon Tutbury - Giscard Roulle de Gisors The Meeting Paris 1863

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"Thank you for coming Gideon please take a seat ". Giscard pointed to the old chair

Gideon sat

" Its been a long time Giscard , we should have made peace a long time ago "

Gideon raised his hands as if in an ok what will be will be manner

" Go On , Giscard " Gideon's hands slowly lowered

Giscard smiled ....." I am not sure if my words will offer peace or comfort Gideon . I respect your knowledge but have not changed my view that I care not for you "

Gideon adjusted his position in the leather bound seat ....

" I see Giscard , go on , I hope this wont take long "

Giscard had been waiting so long to say this and had rehearsed  every word every phrase , everything . Why did he now feel so awkward . He wasn't sure how to start ...all he saw was an old man , a broken man not God

He rose up

" I fear you may have been used Gideon "

" Used" Gideon had never heard such words a puzzled look came over his face " Used who"

Giscard leaned forward

Giscard laughed ..." By Me Gideon . well me and God "

Gideon's puzzled look deepened

Giscard smiled

" Let me explain Gideon, I am the direct descendant of Jean de Gisors  Grand Master Of Opus and the order of the Crescent

Gideon sneered " What has that got to do with me " He leaned forward as if to say , why am I here

" Giscard smiled " Ok Gideon .....Jean de Gisor entrusted seven monks with a symbol passed down from Abraham and taken from the temple of Solomon. Probably one of the most religious symbols known to man.

Giscard sipped at his hip flask

He continued

" The symbols potentially hold the power of unity of religion and were revered by muslims and Christians alike ......they hold the power of God or rather the secret

Gideon relaxed in his chair , he smiled

" You have brought me all this way Giscard to tell me a story ? "

Giscard raised his finger , indicating Gideon should wait a moment

Gideon continued

" They were set into the temple  of Solomon , together with the main star in the middle . Carved around them it read ....TEGO ARCASA DEI

Gideon shrugged

Which means

Giscard layed his pen down ....." Which means Gideon ' Behold The Secret Of God'

Gideon scoffed " Oh ok now I'm bored , what has this to do with me "

Giscard mirrored Gideon's arrogance

" I will get to that Gideon .......the power is not in the symbols , or the stars , but in the myth that surrounds them ..........Gideon if my research serves me right you announce many years ago that men are scared of God .......This holds the power , the ancient readings have said when the symbols are re united .....Then they will herald the one true faith to begin. They can only be re united when someone from the bloodline of Jean de Gisors places the centre star back with the six other stars .

Gideon asked

" So Giscard , Giscard if you are from that line why haven't you done that before "

Giscard replied impatiently  " I will get to that Gideon "  You see we can't just chance that happening can we "

Gideon stood pointing at Giscard

" Wait do you know that I said that re fear at the meeting of my society"

" Mr Tutbury it pays me to know everything ,the Phelps society in New once laughed calling us a bunch of small time interlects .....didn't you "

Gideon didn't answer

" Well Mr Tutbury , we mirrored you at virtually   every step . The only thing we couldn't match was your medical research. You had the brilliant physicians , we didn't .......we did however know your every step "

Gideon looked up " How "

"The French ambassador you confided in was a double agent , working for us " Giscard almost smiled when he explained to Gideon

Gideon reacted as never before " WHAT .........The treacherous bastard "

Gideons mind raced as to what else he may have said

Giscard sat back  " Maybe he was Gideon , But you overlooked a few things , one of which was that you thought you where  God .....sadly a trait you inherited from your father

" Gideon scattered the desk of papers " Don't dare liken me to my father , How dare you "

Giscard raised his hand to calm the now enraged Gideon ....he waited for quiet

" As I said we had to ensure three things "

Gideon sat back

At this moment Giscard's assistant walked in

" Claret Gentlemen"

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