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I woke up to another weekend morning. I quickly eat some breakfast and throw on some shirt gym shorts and a tank top. I rush to my patio and ready my punching bag that I got for Christmas. Another day of training!

I'm an older siblings of five and I'm always afraid that something will happen to them and I won't be able to control it. So my dad knew of this and decided to allow me to learn defense and offense fighting moves. I throw different kind of punches and tried out different moves on my target. This also is a stress reliever whenever I'm pissed off at someone. For some reason training helps me keep it under control.

After a while I began to hear explosions in the distance. I quickly stopped and grabbed my bottle of water, chugging it. There is no holiday today so there shouldn't be any fireworks. Ever if it is, it isn't night. When I approach further in my backyard, a man falls down and shoots a blue ray. He looks at me in confusion, but then a huge grin was plastered on his face. He's injured but smiling. Wait why do I care, who are you?! He stood up on both feet and waves his huge hand at me. I was startled, taken back by the man's actions.

"Hi! I'm Son Goku! What's your name? Your energy levels are pretty high for a normal human." He introduces himself.

"Oh! My name's Athena, Athena Kuromi. Um, Goku... what energy are you talking about? All I can feel is my heartbeat racing." I asked.

"Oh, your ki. Your ki is strong and it's similar to what I am" he explains.

As he told me about Saiyans, but I'm not believing a word this person is telling me. So he is part of an "alien" race and is able to perform weird moves? Why the hell should I believe that story? During his 'visit', he taught me how to fly, it was easy. Okay maybe I might... He also informs me that he should train me in his world. He pointed to a portal that he entered from fighting that alien to his world. Well it's clear that you're not part of mine! I waved my hands and him and slightly backed away.

"Goku, I have a family to protect. I can't just leave them alone." I told him.

"Hm, that's true. They'll understand. I saw the way you were fighting, trust me you'll love what I'm about to show you. You're just like me! Always in the mood to train!" He says.

My eye twitched at that but hoped he was right. I quickly wrote on a piece of paper saying that I need to go do a quick errand and slapped it onto my fridge. After I finished and looked back at my house, the two of us walks right through. Am I seriously going to believe Goku? I probably have been staying up too late at night...

I see strange houses around me, very colorful and round. The scenery was beautiful, way better than where I live. Goku directed me to a deserted location as we flew to a tower in the sky. This is insane! I can do what no human can! As we land, I stare at my surroundings and see strange people: a green man, a pink blob, a boy with light purple hair around my age, and a man with spiked hair. Who are all these people?! Weird-skin colored people, crazy haired people, am I in a circus? A lady walked to Goku and grips his shirt. I backed away a bit, scared of her anger.

"Goku! Where were you?! And who is that?!" A lady yells at him.

"Oh ChiChi, this is Athena. I brought her here because her energy is high like a Saiyan." Goku explains.

As he explains to ChiChi, the black-spiked hair man walks up to me. He stares at me as I begin to shiver. The look on his face made my legs feel weak. This guy is scary. Please don't hurt me. He looks around my body to see if I have anything different. My heart pounds harder. What the hell did I get myself into...

"So, she must have Saiyan blood then. Kakarott! I believe we should test her out." the man speaks.

"Aw Vegeta, C'mon! She only knows how to fly. I'll train her. You can join as well." Goku states.

"W-Wait mister, there's no way I could have this 'Saiyan blood'. I just met Goku and then my life went to a whole direction. I'm a normal human." I said.

I can feel the glares of every person around me. This is not helping my social anxiety... I held both of my arms and kept to myself. It was uncomfortable being stared at by the strange people, especially with the information I have learned. I know I believe in aliens, but this just took my belief to a whole new level. This cannot be real.

Vegeta scoffs away, Goku walks me inside the palace. I see another green man but small known as Dende. He handed me and Goku battle armor similar to Vegeta's. There were no female ones so I had to wear one similar to my size. What has my life come?! We then walk into the Time Chamber.

"It's very vast! There is no end to it! Goku where am I?! I want an explanation on what is happening!" I demand.

"I'm going to train you! I saw your potential earlier and I just know that you have the ability to do so much more. All I can say is this; whatever you think is happening, I suggest you give it some thought. Now let's go!" He exclaims.

He began to throw a fast punch at me, but I quickly caught it and did a leg swipe. Goku back-flipped and started to do side steps. I felt a rush of energy in my abdomen, I smirked stood up straight while cracking my knuckles. Okay Goku, you've grabbed my attention.

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