The Female Saiyan's Battle! Now it's My Turn!

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We had a long staring contest, no one has moved. His eyes glowed with his smirk. I just stare the way my brother always does. Alright, you've focused enough watching the previous fights. You should be able to get a good idea on who you're dealing with.

"Someone seems to be giving me the cold shoulder. Well don't worry, soon you'll be feeling great heat working for us. You can get a work out in it." Raion told me.

"You'll be feeling cold real soon, that I can guarantee you. Now, call it to start because I want you dead already." I demand.

"Ladies first." Raion told.

I shrugged and teleported behind him, Raion kicking towards my direction until I wasn't there. I then went above him and pound him into the ground. Jumping off towards the edge, I went Super Saiyan. A KI blast aims towards my chest until I just held my hand out, hitting it out of the way. Predictable.

"Man, my sister really has improved since then. She is more sharper, I wonder what other kind of training she did to get this strong." Goku says.

No body answered. Everyone was focused on the battle at hand. Piccolo finally recovered from his injuries as well as Gohan. A few more visitors came to watch the fight. Android 18, Mr. Satan, Majin Buu, and others. Most haven't met me yet, but this is their first glance of how serious I can be.

Kicks were thrown, punches were launched, and KI blasts were flying. He had a few scratches, but I barely had any marks on my body. Guessing that training with Whis payed off really well. I stood back on the field and yelled, increasing my energy levels and strength.

"When can I fight? I wanna fight." Goku complained.

"You're a fool, Kakarott. This is her battle so let her fight." He said

Once those two glue their eyes back into the battle, I already went Super Saiyan 2. The battle goes, a few blood spills onto the grounds and sweat pouring down our bodies. I feel like I'm going to die! I gotta go Super Saiyan God Blue, but the battle didn't go intense yet... I was getting a little nervous. Suddenly, Raion's form changes. His horns glowed a red shade as his body grows bigger. What's worse is the fact that his energy levels are increasing, fast.

I had no choice but to go to a different transformation as well. I went into the air, screaming as my energy levels also increase. My golden hair stretches outward and longer, finally going into Super Saiyan 3. This form drains my stamina greatly, I gotta win this fast before I pass out.

"Showing your true colors now? We all know you have another form so why not show it? Let's go all out. You Saiyans have no limit to this power I see." Raion said.

"You power-hungry pig. This isn't a game! The fate of the world is in our hands, my hands!" I yelled.

I took heavy breaths and created many projectiles of energy behind me and then around us. They all shot towards each other as if it were a spiderweb. After they have all connected, it created a large explosion that I jumped out of. I went down to my knees and powered down. I'm so tired. The smoke cleared up and Raion was full of cuts, but asctes as if it didn't faze him.

"That's a new move, looks powerful!" Goky exclaimed.

"I just came up with it. WebZone? No, Web Barrage!" I said.

"It's powerful yes, but not enough." Raion coughed.

I growled under my breath and wiped the dust off my clothes. I look down at my shaking hands, excitement and nervousness all in one. Is it that hard to kill someone?! I thought I'd be easy! Damnit!

"Might as well go Super Saiyan God Blue, kiddo. Your brother is going to find out either way." King Kai tells me.

I ignore his hints and resumed our fighting. I then created a Final Flash attack, thanks to another move Vegeta taught me. Raion tries to counter it, but it was no use. He does have a few bruises on his right side but still standing. I'm tired of this!

"Fine that's it! I'm going all out!" I yell.

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