Go Piccolo!

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"Good luck, Piccolo!" I yelled.

"Alright! Let's go!" Gohan hollers.

Piccolo smirks and takes off his heavy cape and hat. He has a staring contest with Raion. Finally, those two clashed their fists with great speed.

Raion uses a move similar to Distructo-Disk, red and increasing in size. He then throws it towards Piccolo. Piccolo luckily dodges the attack, which in result made his attack hit near us.

"Special Beam Cannon!" Piccolo yells out.

He shoots his power attack, aiming straight for Raion. He stood there and fake yawned. Once it came close to him, he took one step to the right. The cannon came in contact with the field, creating a huge crater.

"Was that it?" Raion teased.

Piccolo couldn't believe what he saw. Neither could us. My brother still stood there with a straight face, arms crossed. Teen Willow didn't seem surprised because she probably already witnessed this. Gohan was the one mostly surprised.

"Damn you!" Piccolo yells out.

More fists were thrown, kicks, and even KI attacks were launched. I stood back in shock. This is getting a little too intense. I'm sorry, but I don't think Piccolo can handle this.
I flew to a near mountain top, standing there with arms folded watching the battle go on. Then, King Kai enters my mind once again.

"It seems Piccolo is going to die again in my eyes." He says.

"Again?" I questioned.

He explained how Piccolo died and then got resurrected for the Frieza battle on Planet Namek.

"Do not worry, if Piccolo does lose this round, let's just hope he doesn't die. I think the next contestant should be Gohan." He tells me.

"Don't jinx anything! I'm sure Piccolo might at least find out his weakness or something." I told him.

Goku looks up at me a bit worried. Trunks also gazes at me with Teen Willow. They gave me a worried look. They then look back at the battle when we heard an explosion happen.

Someone was shot down from the air, making another crater but in the ground on the other side. I flew over to who that was as the dust clears.

"Piccolo..." I said softly.

I picked Piccolo up and flew him back to the gang. They knew that he had lost the match. I sat him down under a tree to cool off, Gohan running to his side.

"So, who is next?" Raion simply asked.

"Gohan should be next." King Kai reminds me.

"We can't risk having Gohan injured. He has a daughter to take care of." I told.

The next contestant already flew to the arena, confidence showing on his face. Just how much I wanted to protest for him to stay out of this, it was really no use now.

The next one to battle, was none other than Gohan...

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