Powerful Blue, End of Life

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I started increasing my energy levels, screaming. My body floats in the air, consuming me in a blue light. If this is the only form that can beat you, then so be it! In a few seconds, the light breaks from the bottom up. I now stood with blue hair and blue eyes.

"What?! Athena became a Super Saiyan God Blue?!" How?!" Goku freaks out.

"I'll explain everything later. But for now, I must beat Raion." I flatly told.

Raion didn't seem surprised. Immediately, I kicked him in the back, him falling forward. Following that attack were energy blasts surrounding the area, creating debris. When the smoke expanded, I was able to blind Raion and launch punches to each part of his body. Once the gas went away, he was in bruises and holding his chest. Perfect.

"Get out of that form! You could destroy this entire area!" Goku yells.

I ignored him. I already know I'm going to die. But it's worth it as long as everyone here is safe. With all of this new power, my body isn't fully capable of containing it. I'm not strong enough yet, but I'm training as I fight! Raion gets up, charging towards me. Both of us fight in the air with incredible speed. He tried kicking my head, I block his leg and grabbed it. I spun around and threw him down to the ground.

"D-Damn it." He said, coughing.

"Who's the strongest race now? As from what I've learned from Vegeta, don't mess with the powerful Saiyan warrior! I have a pride to uphold, and it won't be shattered by the likes of you!" I yelled.

I floated down, a few scratches on me. I planted my foot on his chest, holding him down. He tried struggling, but gave up soon after. I smirked and drove my foot in deeper, the crater underneath him grew in size. I believe I've won, now should I kill him? He does have a family right? He has his people. Maybe I shouldn't.

I flew back onto some the stable arena, looking down at his body. He is all bloody and such. I turned around, facing the gang. I noticed Teen Willow sitting up, watching me fight in this form keeping a straight face. I then look at Trunks, helping our teen daughter up. Just then, Raion sprinted towards me, punching the back of my head. No affect at all.

"You never learn do you? You've lost, go back to your planet and never bother another species again." I said to him.

I grabbed his arm and threw him in the air. He stopped in mid-air charging to me. Both of us clashing once again. I was finally hit, falling down to the ground. Getting up, a charged up my KI. I gritted my teeth, pissed off. I gave you a chance to leave peacefully, but now I have to kill you!

"KAMEHAMEHA!!" I yelled.

I quickly shot the ray towards him. He shot out a KI blast also, both of them clashed. I tried hard to keep this up but failed. I had one trick up my sleeve but hoped to never use it. My last resort. I really don't want to do this. I recently learned this while obtaining blue, but it's going to take all of my power. I guess this is it.

"Goku, take care of everyone. Trunks, keep Willow safe. Please find a way to awaken my adoptive family." I told everyone.

"Wait! What do you mean?!" Trunks freaks out.

"Mother, what are going to do?!" Willow adds.

I grabbed Raion's neck, me increasing my levels to its limit. I can feel my energy explode as my body grew hot and then cold. I turned back towards everyone, smiling and mouthing the words "thank you". I finally yelled, creating a KI energy, consuming both me and Raion. An atomic-like explosion occurred, causing everyone to fly back.

The smoke clears, two bodies laid there, both bloody. Everyone ran up to the arena. Scattered worried and depressed faces were on everyone, shaken breaths and their bodies went limp.

"She-she's dead." Krillin sadly says.

"No! Mother please!" Willow cries.

Everyone went into tears, some of the stern ones lowered their heads in grief. Trunks held my body up to his chest, not letting go. Vegeta places his hand on his son, feeling sorry. Goku has his forehead to mines in sorrow. He blasted a nearby boulder into rubble with rage.

Meanwhile, my soul went to a tiny, green planet. I looked around, asking myself where am I. Me looking up, I see a halo above my head. Wait shouldn't I be dead? Where am I?

The Lost Female Saiyan [COMPLETE]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora