Heaven with the Northern Kai

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"You're dead." The voice spoke up.

I looked around, seeing a small, blue man with a Kai's robe on. I raised an eyebrow at him, looking down. A Kai? Kai means god, great I met another one. Wait forget that, I'm dead! How am I breathing and moving?!

"I'm King Kai." He introduced.

I looked around, seeing a bright pink sky. I also notice he as well has a halo on him. So wait is he dead as well? Can gods actually die? That's kinda strange, I thought they'd be immortal or something. I also thought about his name. Hold up King Kai? You're a king...and a god...I thought I was done meeting strange people.

"So, I'm dead huh? Wait! How is everyone reacting to this?!" I questioned.

He ushered me towards him. He told me to place my hand on his back. I was able to see everyone down there, crying and upset of my death. I didn't expect their reaction to be like this at all. I'm still new here, so why is I hurting so badly?

"Can I talk to them?" I asked.

"I'll try and get everyone." He told.

He concentrated and told me he is ready. I exhaled some air and out my hand on his shoulder, this is how I'm able to communicate with them.

"Guys! Guys it's me!"

Everyone looks around trying to find the source of my voice. Didn't they just see my death? I sighed.

"Athena?! Where are you?!" Krillin asked.

"I'm dead obviously. I'm with King Kai right now."

"Alright. We will find the Dragon Balls right away to revive you." Goku tells.

"Goku, I'll stay up here and maybe train up here with King Kai. But I do expect to return, I just don't know when. Give it about a year."

"I'll take care of Willow, don't worry. But she will need her mom soon so we'll bring you back next year before her birthday." Trunks said.

Everyone agreed with me. I felt the weight on my chest lift off and I am no longer anxious. As long as they are clear that I'm returning, things should be fine.

"You're going to participate in the Tournament?" Vegeta asks.


"It's a tournament against others and the winner gets a lot of Zeni and a chance to fight Mr. Satan." Goku tells me.

"Totally. I'll be back by then. It's obvious he will lose. But after that, we will try and wake up my adoptive family."

"I heard from my mom that there are no treatments for it, the toxin is unknown and we don't know if they'll ever wake up." Trunks said.

No no no, they have to be awake! I did all of this for them! I felt a little colder and lowered my head upset. Beerus stood up and walked towards everyone with a drink in his hands. He cleared his throat to gather everyone's attention.

"We can use the Super Dragon Balls. I doubt your earth dragon can deal with something that isn't known, so we'll go there." He suggested.

"Super Dragon Balls?"

"They're giant Dragon Balls that summon a golden-like Shenron and may grant one wish from any universe." Whis explained.

"Perfect. Well, I got to go. Stay safe. Trunks, keep Willow safe as well. I'll return as soon as possible. Teen Willow, the future will be good now. I'll talk to you all later."

I finished my conversation with everyone and stood there, smiling with my hands behind my head. At least I know that there is a way for them to return. I sat on the ground and looked up at the uniquely-colored sky. So this is what it's like dead, huh?

"I will go cook." King Kai told me.

"Hell yeah! I'm starving!" I exclaimed.

He raised an eyebrow and then face palmed himself. What? Did I say something wrong?

"I can now see how your Goku's sister." He says.

I gave off that silly grin as he head inside his tiny little hut to cook. I then lie down on the soft, green grass and looked up. It's so peaceful, this has got to be heaven. King Kai returned with an entire table of food. He then backed up. My mouth began to water, I was starving. I haven't eaten since before the fight! This looks so good!

"Hell yeah!" I yelled.

I ate like a pig, stuffing my face with each kind of food I snatched off a plate. King Kai witnesses my eating actions. Not too long before I finished with all the food. I stretched my back and covered my mouth, suppressing a burp. That was delicious! I haven't eaten so well in a long time!

"Yep. You have Goku's appetite. You hang around him too much." He said.

"I am his sister technically, I gotta he attached to him. So, can you train me in any way? Goku said that you taught him really powerful moves like the spirit bomb and Kaio Ken!" I asked excitedly.

"Fine whatever, I'll give you time to rest before we start." He agrees.

I jumped happily and started to stretch some more, jogging around the planet. The pressure here sure feels intense, but it's pretty easy. Now I need to get stronger, I need to maintain my transformations and become the greatest warrior!

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