The Prince's Son

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The party was fun. More food was brought out and I got to know the rest of everyone on a deeper level. They were comfortable enough to tell me some personal stuff about themselves. I hung out with Trunks mainly since he is about my age. He tells me more stories that were very interesting.

Hey Athena?" He says.

"Yeah Trunks? What's up?" I responded with a smile.

"Just out of curiosity, how do you like it here? I mean, with this much happening to you it must've been a hard process to cope." He asks.

"Oh trust me, it kinda makes a little sense. When I was a kid whenever I grew angry, kids started to run away. I thought I just knew how to get people off my back but it turns out it's part of my Saiyan biology. Heck, I loved to start up fights because it was entertaining to see other quiver. Plus..." I said.

I turned Super Saiyan and flew around the party with my arms out and a bright grin. I landed back to him and sat back down, still transformed. I looked at the pool next to us to see my reflection. It was the first time I really saw myself in this form. I never realized that my eyes had changed from brown to green and the ends of my hair was slightly pointed upward.

"I enjoy it so much. Being from a powerful race and learning unusual stuff is so fascinating. I can't wait to see what else I can do! I wanna learn more! I'll just need help getting use to this new life." I finished.

I looked at Trunks, powering down from the form and smiled. He was taken back a little at my curiosity and rubbed the back of his head. I've been here for a short while, but I know that I've grown on these people. I can already feel a powerful bond between us all!

"It's thanks to Goku for finding me, well by accident. I can't wait to train with him some more! Maybe even Vegeta! He looks and acts so cool, maybe I can have a spar with him!" I said in excitement.

"My dad is...a difficult character. But I'm sure you'll have your chance with him." Replies Trunks.

"Hey, are you sick? You look a little light-headed." I asked.

He looked a little red. I ran over to his mom to have him checked out. After that, I decided to go hang with others, my first one was Gohan. I got to know my nephew more, feeing a little left out and slightly awkward. I'm a young aunt to him and Goten. As I was in mid-conversation, Vegeta had walked up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Y-Yes?" I asked, nervously.

"The boy wants to talk to you, don't get any funny ideas." He said.

"Y'know Vegeta, I will one day fight you. I can't wait to see you struggle against me. I'll go see Trunks, but just remember that thought." I said, winking after.

He rolls his eyes and walks off to his wife. Goals. I went towards Trunks and asked if he were alright. He took a quick glance at his mom and nodded back to me. Well that's good, don't want anyone feeling sick. I stretched my arms and floated in a sitting position. I can't stop, it's just so cool.

"So since my old house is destroyed, I'm going to need a new place to live in. Maybe there are some near by the city or a little farther. Kinda want my own space to-"

"Can we talk?" Trunks asks quickly.

"Sure? What has gotten into you?" I question.

He grabs my wrist and slowly we flew to a different area to where Piccolo can't even eavesdrop. We both landed and waited a while. I float upside down, trying to get him to laugh and ignore his nervousness. It kinda worked, seeing as how Trunks lightly laughed. I stood back up, not wanting a headache later.

"Um... I" he tries to make out.

"Trunks, you alright?" I put my hand on his forehead.

He grabs my hand gently and holds it as grabbing my other hand. He looks into my brown eyes, his cheeks were pink. I myself grew slightly red. W-What's going on? Why am I burning up?! I looked both directions of us, hoping no one is looking.

"I-I like you. You're the only female Saiyan and only girl I know around my age. Even if you're Goku's sister. You're cute and really tough in battle." He admits.

"Trunks we basically just met. I like you too and all, but I would like to slowly start to know you on my own." I said.

"Then we can do that together, we can move slowly. It's called dating for a reason right?" He tells me.

I tried to process what I heard. The son of a Saiyan prince, likes Goku's long lost sister? Me?! I didn't fight back the smile that was growing. He was taken back a bit and gulped, hoping he what I said wasn't me rejecting him. I don't mind what he is talking about, but since it'll be my first time in a relationship that isn't friendship I want things to go slowly.

"So...wanna be my girlfriend?" Trunks says with a bit of confidence.

"Sure, why not? But again, I want things to be slow." I said.

"That's perfectly fine with me." He replies with happiness in his tone.

Before he could say anything else, I hugged him tight as he returned the hug. We both flew back to the party and landed next to Vegeta and my brother. I didn't worry much of Vegeta's reaction due to that little conversation we had. Trunks told Vegeta in secret, to his surprise he smiled a bit. The Prince has emotions everybody!

"You've got guts, Trunks. Listen woman, you better not hurt Trunks's feelings. I don't care if you're Kakarrot's sister. I WILL kill you." He says sternly.

"I get it, seems like I'll also be seeing you more often Vegeta." I told him.

Trunks and I both headed to a table and grabbed dessert. The prince walked towards Bulma and told her in whisper. She squealed and ran towards the mic. What is she gonna do? Why did she run up there?! Is she gonna-

"Everyone! We got some great news! My son, Trunks, has gotten himself a girlfriend! And she is standing right there!" She says in the mic pointing towards me.

She did! Why must Bulma act like this?! I understand this is her son but seriously?! Everyone clapped as Goku raised his fist into the air and gave me a thumbs up. I was red in embarrassment, so was Trunks. There goes taking that measure slow... I ignored some funny gazes and kept stuffing my face with chocolate cake.

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