Willow's Turn

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She stood there, eyeing Raion. Willow gritted her teeth roughly and balled up her fist. I can feel the anger radiating off her. Immediately, those two clashed their fists. Just like that, Teen Willow went Super Saiyan. KI Blasts were thrown everywhere, causing small explosions.

"Damn Athena, your daughter is quite powerful." Krillin said.

"Well she is more Saiyan than human. Hopefully she was taught well to fight." I said.

"So this is my niece huh? Man, she's awesome!" Goku exclaimed.

I laughed a bit. Teen Willow lands a punch on him, sending him flying far back but not off the arena. Damn... I stood there, arms folded focused on his moves. I know I'll be next, I gotta keep my eye on him very closely. One slip up and we're dead. Willow flies up a little high and had her hands together to the side.

"Galick Gun!" Willow yells.

She releases the attack and aimed right in his chest. He got caught in the blast, a few blood dripped. Willow grinned and raised her fist in the air. That's how you do it! She must've learned from Vegeta, clever girl!

"Hell yeah!" Krillin exclaimed.

"That's my girl!" Trunks said.

"We got a hit!" I shout.

Vegeta and Goku both smiled at their niece/granddaughter. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. She noticed but paid no mind to it. We're actually doing it! We might actually pull this off! The Earth and everyone will be safe!

"Seems your strong. You'll be fun to play with." Raion said.

His eyes glowed as he teleported randomly around Willow with intense speed. Willow couldn't keep up as she got blasted in the head. She growled in anger and went Super Saiyan 2. Her hair was a little more pointed upward with one strand over her face.

"Guessing she can go Super Saiyan 2 as well. That's my granddaughter." Vegeta said.

She continued her fight. Willow surrounded him with her quick teleporting, charging up energy in her palms. After that, she came close to Raion's face and released a large Kamehameha wave. He got blasted out of the ring and broke through a tree. Yes! Willow approached his beaten body in disgust.

Raion stood up and launched towards her, Willow stopping his fists. The battle resumes. This battle went on so long, I finally moved from my spot and stretched my limbs.

"So, what happens if she loses?" Beerus asks.

"She is doing well. But let's not jinx anything. They hurt her, I'm next. I don't care if Goku or Vegeta want to go next." I told.

Both Whis and Beerus nodded, understanding what I mean. Willow gets launched back, having a bloody right side and breathing heavy. Finally, Raion held his hand up to her face. Don't you dare, I swear to Kami!

"It was fun while it lasted. Goodbye." He said.

He blasted Willow, her flying back at a different tree, knocked out. Both me and Trunks went into anger. My husband was about to go fly towards him until I grabbed his arms. Sorry Trunks. I understand you're the father but I believe this is mainly my fight.

"I'm going." I flatly said.

He tried to convince me to stop but I kept saying I'm fighting no matter what. I looked at my hand, which he grabbed. I looked back up at him, Trunk's face was full of concern but confidence mixed in. He gave me a smirk, I returned it.

"Please be careful." He said.

I nodded. He kisses my cheek and I flew to the arena. Raion chuckled. I rolled my eyes. I took a deep breath and cracked my neck. The enemy seems amused at my attitude.

"Finally." He said.

"This'll be the last match, I'm taking you out here and saving everyone." I said to him.

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