True Intentions

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"Let's head towards the source before anything else is destroyed!" I told them.

We blasted ourselves towards the large smoke cloud. Half the city was broken glass and rubble, families in terror, and cars flipped over. It seemed that it was leveled by a heavy storm in my eyes. Uh oh, this isn't good at all! Who the hell did this?!

"What the hell happened?" Piccolo demands to know.

"We're trying to figure that out, scan the area and find anything suspicious. You guys know more about the cities here than me." I instructed.

I kept looking around corners and under the rubble, helping any survivors evacuate to safety. Then, a red KI blast aims towards me. Luckily thanks to my training, I blocked it with one hand, not amused. The figure stands on a destroyed building. Weak. That didn't do anything.

"Is that all you got? Pretty weak I'd say, now I suggest you show yourself so we know who we're dealing with." I demand.

The figure floated in the air and dashes to a remote island. We followed the person. Once we landed, he stares at us with a grin. You again... I growled under my breath. The hoodie he had on was thrown off the man and somewhere else. I was wondering when you were going to show up again!

"Well since you're so forgetful, might as well repeat myself. I am Raion, the name catching on?" He says.

I raised an eyebrow. My brother looks at me and then back at Raion. He steps in front with his arm in front to protect me and the others. I've never seen Goku like this. Well, I'm still technically new here so I have no say. I held his forearm and moves it downward, I'm not that tall.

"I don't know who the hell you are. What is your business here? Why are you after me?" I asked.

"Not specifically you, but your race. Where I'm from we have a hierarchy system, we believe that our race is more knowledgeable and have the most fighting techniques. Since I'm the ruler, I'm conquering all planets nearby with high power levels. This one seems to be powerful." He spoke.

What the hell?! I got into my fighting stance. I stared at him, thinking of a strategy. Though my big brother balled up his fist and grew a smirk, the one we all know. I don't know him much, but I can tell that this is his fighting face.

"Hey sis, I got this one. You stay back. Can't afford you to die now." He tells me.

"G-Goku! This is my fight! He came after me first so I should be able to attack!" I complained.

"Anyone who threatens our peace or my family deserves to be fighting me first." Goku said strictly.

Krillin places his hand on my shoulder and sighs, shaking his head. I looked down at him with confusion. It's like talking to a brick wall with him, but I do get where he is coming from. I exhaled some air and nodded. The gang flew a bit far back so we wouldn't get in the way. I crossed my arms, locking my eyes onto Goku.

"Bottom line, Raion, you're not having my sister or anyone else here. I don't care about your system." He says.

Raion smirks. The battle starts off. I growled in anger. I just sit on the hard ground cross-legged. Explosions goes off here and there. I felt an energy ride up fast, knowing that was Goku going Super Saiyan 2. This guy is ridiculous. He is just trying to expand his empire and marking his territory on the weak. I'll show him!

"Goku, let me fight. This is my battle. Plus if I do happen to die, you can use the Dragon Balls you guys have told me about." I command.

"Fine, you can go ahead. This seems to be affecting you more." Goku replies.

He nods. Now it's my turn. Let's see the results of my training! I stood there, glaring at Raion. I went into Super Saiyan 2 at first. Then, our battle began. KI blasts were thrown, punches, kicks, everywhere. I teleport around him, but he was quicker. This guy is really giving me a hard time!

"Oh come on, is this all you got?" He mocks.

I growled in anger. I got into the air and decided to do a move Vegeta taught me when we were training together. I put my hands into its proper position and got ready to release the attack. Let's see if you can dodge this! Let's hope I can do this correctly.

"I know that move anywhere! Vegeta, you taught her that?!" Krillin asks.

The prince nods with a smirk. I smiled a bit, looking down at a confused Raion. I guess I caught him off guard. I smirk confidently and prepared to launch my attack. Here we go! Watch this Vegeta!

"Galick Gun!" I yelled.

I shot the attack towards him, luckily Raion didn't dodge it and was hit with the blast. Yes! I did it! He got hit pretty bad but still standing. Damn, well at least I landed a hit on the bastard. I crossed my arms and scoffed at the enemy. He dusted off the dust and looked back up at me.

"Well, didn't seem to expect that. But no matter, I can tell that you have improved." Said Raion.

"Ya clearly, but it's clear that this isn't my limit. As a fighter, I have more up my sleeve!" I yell.

I teleported around and around him, then kicking him in the back of the head. Then, I yelled, increasing my energy level. Finally, I went Super Saiyan 3. I'm aware that this level drains my power like crazy, but I just want to get rid of him as soon as possible!

I got into another stance, all to well to know what it is. Raion just witnessed and smirked. Goku tried to stop me from making the move. I tried to tune him out and focus on my opponent.

"Athena! If you do that now, this island will go down!" He yells.

"It's an uninhabited island! There is plenty more!" I yelled back.

I ignored his warning and started collecting my KI. Okay, here we go. I added more energy into the attack and gritted my teeth, I then shout out the Kamehameha and blasted the attack towards Raion. He put his hand up, trying to hold it back. He then managed to move it out of the way, everyone in shock. What?!

"He-he blocked the Kamehameha?!" Krillin in shock.

"N-No way..." I muttered.

Damn it! Raion shoot KI blasts at me, I dodged every single one coming closer to him. I kicked his stomach and he flew back. I flipped backwards and landed firmly on the ground with a stern look. This guy is seriously powerful, it can't be necessary to go blue. He can't be that strong of an opponent!

"Well done. But the battle isn't over. In 4 years from today, I will return once more. That should give you lot enough time to reach my level at least. All of you against me. I win, I control this planet and you'll be slaves to my people. You win, well you probably know." Raion told us.

He disappears. I breathe heavily for air. I wasted a lot of energy but I'm managing to stay standing. The woman ran up to me, holding my shoulder. Super Saiyan 3 really takes up so much energy. I gotta remember to use this when I really need to. I gripped at my chest and powered down.

"Um...Athena, you alright?" She asks me.

I nodded with a smile. She helps me up while I crack some bones and looked back at her. The woman was a little red in the cheeks but I ignored it. Great, I need to train more to defeat him. This'll be gruesome but it'll be worth it. I got a planet to save.

That was the first time I said my mother's name. In about 4 years I'm born I'm already a baby. It's 2016 today, in four years it'll be 2020. My mom would be 20. So, I'm a new born. I helped my mom up. I told the guys I am going back to the future and return by then. Before I went back to the ship, I waved goodbye. The last thing I saw, was my mother and father's faces smiling. Now, I have to wait for 4 years to fly by...

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