The First Female Super Saiyan

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We entered through the portal, Trunks was able to put it into a capsule with a warning label on it. We arrived to my home and took a deep breath. I entered and saw that my note was in the trash. Must be one of the siblings. Er..I mean...whatever now isn't the time to worry about titles.

"Um, dad? I'm home!" I announced.

He entered the living room, in confusion and shock. I looked at my body, my clothes were torn and I was full of bruises and cuts. I totally get his reaction. I should have changed into the clothes I had on before I trained. I nervously waved at him and sat on the couch with the others. I played with my fingers, confused on how to ask or even what to ask him.

"Hey dad? Was I born the normal way, or did you see me come from a pod from the sky?" I asked.

"Who told you?" He asked.

"No one, I just happened to accidentally trace back to my roots and found out that I am not of this world. Dad, I know I'm not human." I told him.

"...sorry about your tail..." he apologized.

"No it's better if it's off, trust me!" Goku says.

I hushed him. I waved it off and said that since I'll be eighteen soon, I will move out. I am obviously going to continue school, but I would like to take advantage of what I have learned and start tracing back to my bloodline. Learning about my roots and getting to know the gang is my top priority. Besides, my siblings are getting older. The second oldest should have followed me and hopefully he'll protect the younger ones.

"Okay dad, I'm just going to shoot this straight. of an alien race called the Saiyans. I've crashed here and I guess Goku has now found me. I'm apparently his younger sister and-wow this is actually harder than I thought." I said.

"And for some reason I believe you." My dad says.

"Before I leave, let's have a feast! I'm sure this'll take away the bad mood. Let's eat! Me and the others will grab food and you can set the kitchen dad." I said happily.

Us and the gang went outside and flew to the store to grab food. flying the best thing to do right now? This world has too many theories and the government is pretty messed up right now, I'll be hunted. I made all of us land, luckily we were hidden and grabbed food. We then decided to walk back, the store wasn't that far but I just love flying.

From the distance we saw smoke, and it was in the direction of my house. I dropped everything and forgot about everything I thought of before, flying through obstacles towards the house. My dad never makes mistakes in the kitchen, so something must've happened!

"Not so fast girl, you can no longer go any further." Said a suspicious alien.

It's the one Goku was fighting from before! I grabbed its neck and demanded to know the reason why. The others were at my place in an instant, there laid a crushed house with people under the rubble. I created energy in my hand and brought it up to the enemy's face in pure anger. I was fuming with anger I never felt before.

"The f*ck is going on here?! What the hell did you do?!" I growled.

"This is a warning, stand down." It said.

"Like hell I will! First you come to my world, and now you basically killed my family?!" I yelled.

The guys grabbed my siblings and father, trying to keep them away from the smoke. I let go of him and gripped my fists. A warning?! For what?! I didn't do shit to you! I don't even know who you are! The alien's elbows grew into large scythes and it's fangs grew sharper. It released a poisonous toxin into the air and guided it to my family.

"You won't land a hand on them you bastard!" I yelled.

I felt out of control and before I knew it, my levels increased and I teleported behind him and grabbed both its arms and twisted them to its back. My knee was jabbed into its back, breaking its spine. I spun him around and threw him to the ground where a large crater was made. I created an energy ball, now glowing yellow.

"D-Dad? I think she's-"

"A Super Saiyan." Vegeta finishes Trunks sentence.

"Forget that! We need to get them away from the gas!" Shouts Goku.

My anger was boiling and I landed countless blasts onto the creature. I knew he was now dead, but I wasn't finished with the alien. Before I could do anymore damage, I get sharp pains in my limbs and went back to normal. I flew down to my knees and took heavy breaths. What was that immense power? Is that a Super Saiyan? I need to get used to it. I collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion.

"We need to take them to a doctor, I have the father. Vegeta, take the siblings and Trunks can take her. We need to hurry before the poison spreads." Goku instructed.

The gang took everyone back to the other world and sealed the portal for good. As we were flying, I awoken in Trunks's arms. I jumped out and flew on my own. I apologized, he waved it off and we resumed to the hospital. My family had inhaled a little too much of the poison so they'll be here for a while. I growled at the events that happened.

"I'll get them back for you dad, I swear to you." I told him.

I left the hospital to catch up with the other guys. We went to a quiet place where no one can find see us. Apparently I'm a target now, and this must've been even before I knew any of this. I looked up at the three men in front: one with a huge grin, the other stern, and the younger one worried.

"What's going on guys?" I asked.

"How was turning into a Super Saiyan?" Asked Goku.

"Forget that Kakarott she can barely maintain the form, some kind of Saiyan if you ask me." Vegeta scoffed.

"Dad! That's rude to say to her! She can't process-"

"It's fine Trunks, Vegeta is right. But that's why I need to get stronger. You saw what happened back there. That power was overwhelming, and it felt amazing! But I need to train to maintain that form. I'll become a real Saiyan, just you wait Vegeta!" I grinned.

The prince looked away, but I saw a small smirk. I'm gonna like you a lot your highness. I grinned with my hands behind my head. I then had my fists to my sides and increased my energy levels, screaming to the top of my lungs and turned Super Saiyan. It was a struggle, but I balanced it out and was able to willingly control the power.

"See, told you! I just have to adapt to it! Now, about the sleeping situation. Where will I live?" I asked.

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