Vegeta's Type of Training

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Once I finished explaining the situation at hand, they understood everything and nodded. I was relieved now they know the truth. Good, the weight is now off my shoulders. The future is safe now, I don't want any eradication of anyone.

"Alright. Let's head back to the others. Remember, don't tell them anything of who my parents are." I retold.

I stared at Piccolo because I knew he heard. I said in a low tone "you to Piccolo." The reaction on his face was pretty funny so I laughed a bit. He is still the best. Soon you'll be my babysitter. We all flew back to the guys. I see my mother smiling towards me, I began to look down. Awkward... I guess I do have her smile.

As my brother and Vegeta told us everything about this, I said I might as well train. Alright, time to get stronger! I stretched my legs since I was sitting on the hard ground the whole time.

"Athena, how would you like to train with me? I want to test this power of yours. Besides you need more experience than your idiot of a brother." Vegeta asks.

"Awesome! Hell yeah I wanna train with you! Man this is gonna be so cool!" I said, excitedly.

He smirks. I jumped with excitement now that my training is with Vegeta. The woman sees my reaction. I asked her to tell me at least her name. A name can't reveal too much right? I'm not asking for her whole life story, just a way to address her.

"That I cannot tell you either." She says.

"Seriously? Then how the hell am I gonna grab your attention? 'Hey future lady' is pretty rude if you'd ask me." I whined.

"If I tell you, it'll say too much. I'll see you all soon, please get stronger. Your loves will depend on it." The lady said.

"It's another Android situation." Groans Gohan.

I sighed but shrugged it off, giving up for now. Me and Vegeta had soon head to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. I changed into Vegeta's battle armor. Once we reached inside, we settled on when we'll eat and all.

"Alright. Let's start." Vegeta tells.

"Awesome! I know you'll be rough with me, do as much as you can so I can get stronger!" I said confidently.

We both went Super Saiyan and immediately we both clashed our fists and thrown KI blasts. I'm finally sparring with him! There is a huge difference between his and Goku's fighting style I've noticed. Before I knew it, Vegeta went Super Saiyan God Blue. I stood there in shock, gazing at the form I have heard about. Whoa, that form looks powerful. I can't wait to earn that! I can feel it's immense power radiating from him. But, isn't it too excessive?!

"Vegeta?! Why go that far with me?! I can only go up to Super Saiyan 3, y'know!" I yelled.

"I will contact Whis later so you can learn this form. But first, let's see if you can handle this level of a Super Saiayn!" He replied.

Shit! He throws a punch so fast I was thrown back and crashed onto the ground hard. I flew far back that I was at that point in the chamber where the area has less air and hard to move in. I tried getting up and walk back to the fighting grounds, breathing heavily. I'm going to die in here, Vegeta is not kidding about not holding back on me.

"Giving up? What kind of Saiyan are you?" Vegeta teases.

"S-shut up. I-I ain't giving up. As what I've learned from you so far, a Saiyan needs to keep their dignity and pride so I won't lose to you!" I shouted.

He laughs. We ended up exhausted so we and decided to lay down on the beds provided. We then ate some food. After that we resumed to our training, yet I keep getting beaten by Vegeta's god form. I had many bruises and bloody cuts on my now torn armor, but it was completely worth it. I feel much stronger than before!

"Know this, a Saiyan gets stronger after they are beaten to the ground. We never stop improving our strength so keep up!" He yells.

"I'll become a worthy enough Saiyan, maybe then you'll see me in a higher light Vegeta!" I shout back.

I threw a hard enough punch at his nose that sent him flying back, then transported behind him and elbowed the middle of his back. I played pinball with him in the fight, landing a final kick to his chest. Vegeta went flying towards the chamber's steps breathing heavily and powered down.

"How was I able to beat you at god level, your highness? Seems like I've really gone up to your level." I said.

"Don't get so cocky kid, this is just the beginning." He scoffed.

Finally, the day ended as me and Vegeta walked out of the Hyperbolic Time chamber. Ripped up clothes and my hair a little longer down do my elbows. I moved some of my bangs out of the way and stretched my arms in front. That was awesome, I have got to spar with Vegeta way more often. Goku noticed that we have left the chamber and grabs our attention.

"Man, your pressure sure has increased a lot Athena. Think you could beat me on a one-on-one?" Goku adds.

"No way, I barely defeated Vegeta. But I was however close. One day, I'll fight the both of you for real once I'm as strong as you guys." I said to him.

I thanked him as Vegeta grabs a giant bowl of ice cream and hands it to Bulma, telling her to bring Whis. Is this really the only way of summoning them? With food? Seriously how do they even know that they are being su-

"Whis! I need you for something important!" Bulma yells, interrupting my thoughts.

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