Extra: A Baby?!

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I landed at Krillin's place to babysit Maron for them while they go out. I knocked lightly on their door and waited for a response. No. 18 opened and smiled.

"I really appreciate you doing this. I'll be calling from time to time." She tells me.

"It's no problem. You two have fun." I told her.

I was instructed to go inside, Maron ran up to me and hugged. I ruffled her hair. She's adorable. Krillin walks and thanks me as the two head out. Maron wanted me to play with her so I did.

"Athena! Are you strong?" She asks.

"Do you know how strong Goku is?" I questioned.

"Yeah! Very very strong!"

"I'm as strong as him." I told her.

She giggles and resumed playing. I felt weird in my stomach so I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Again?! I've been like this since yesterday! The hell's going on?! I cleaned my mouth and walked to where Maron was.

"Are you sick?" She asks me.

"No I'm fine. C'mon, let's go watch a movie." I told her.

She jumps onto the couch and turns on the TV and chooses a movie. She chose The Great Saiyaman. I asked who the heck that was but was ignored. His voice sounds familiar...

After a while No. 18 called and asked what was up, but I was throwing up when she called.

"Are you okay, Athena? I can call someone else if you're sick." She tells me.

"18 I promise you I'm fine. I was like this since yesterday but I'm okay." I told her.

"Yesterday? If you want I have something in the bathroom on the top shelf, maybe you should check." She tells me.

"Alright I'll check it out."

She hangs up and I went towards the cabinet. I saw a box of Pregnancy Tests. No way I am. Nope. I read the directions and did as instructed. I waited for a while until I saw something.

"N-No freakin way!" I said, freaking out.

I dropped the test and sat there on my knees. I cannot believe it! What will Trunks think?! I grabbed my phone and called Bulma. She immediately answered.


"Bulma! I'm pregnant!"

"What?! Omg! Did you tell Trunks?!"

"I just found out! Bulma I don't know what to do! I'm over at Krillin's to babysit their daughter and I'm stuck here now knowing I'm pregnant!"

"Okay okay, after that you come straight here and avoid Vegeta. This is for you an me only. Maybe even ChiChi..."

"You can tell her and Videl I don't care. Thank you."

I hung up. I walked out and sat in the couch and went to call No. 18. I told her what happened. She'll be home in thirty minutes. I laid my head down and tried to relax. No way no way! Should I be happy or scared?!

The two arrived and they thanked me. No. 18 said that she'll drop by Capsule Corp. later. I nodded and started running. Should I fly if I'm like this? Her house isn't far. I decided to speed walk there. Once I arrived, I busted through the doors and ran to Bulma.

"I cannot believe it. What will Trunks think, Bulma?" I asked.

"He'll be happy! I'm happy! I'm going to be a grandmother!" She says.

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