Beyond Understanding, First Intense Fight

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Goku, Vegeta, and the other half-Saiyans began to transfer energy into me, I was shaking on the spot. I first learn I'm an alien warrior, then I become a Super Saiyan, and now I'm heading to god-level. I know this is kinda cheating, but I will do the rest on my own! Whatever massive form there is, I will achieve it on my own!

Each one went Super Saiyan, I was the to transform. I took a deep breath, looking down at my shaking hands. In my core, I felt warm and a bright light had surrounded me. The color turned red and my body began to levitate into the air. My silhouette was the only thing that was showing, my hair changed into Super Saiyan 2. The corners of my hair was more pointed up, slowly growing longer to my back into the third level. A red spirit dragon then surrounded me as the sky began to darken. My heart was pounding, I wasn't able to see anything. My power levels are off the charts! Is this really me?!

"My my, she skipped Super Saiyans 2 and 3. This female super Saiyan is quite special." Beerus adds.

"She really is, look at my sis go!" Goku exclaims.

"This sure is interesting." Tien says to himself.

"Tch, she just got lucky was all." Scoffs Vegeta

In just a few moments, I touched the ground. There was an aura surrounding me while everyone stares at my figure. I turned around, my now red hair flows with a flame-like light. Once my eyes opened, it was a bright red and it seems like I'm glowing. I looked at myself in awe, like I don't even recognize my own self. I know my name is from a goddess, but this is just insane. I'm in a god form transformation.

I looked towards everyone else who witnessed and helped me, various shocked expressions. I walked up to them, I faced Goku with a nervous grin. Is he okay with this? I feel kinda bad I am jumping between power levels. But he held both of my shoulders in excitement.

"Whoa! You're already a Super Saiyan God! This is amazing!" Goku exclaims.

"Um... it's 'goddess', Goku. Remember, I'm a girl." I corrected, laughing nervously.

Not long before Beerus walked towards me eyeing my every direction. It seems it's very special and rare to see a female Super Saiyan and goddess. I feel like a famous person. I don't think I will ever get used to all of this attention. I held my arm and eyed the destruction god. He is slightly taller than me I have just noticed.

"So it seems you achieved this stage, Athena. Why don't we have a little spar match to test this out? But just a slightly warning, I won't be holding back." Beerus asks.

I began to shiver to the last sentence. Vegeta looked back seeing Whis eating sushi. Trunks seemed very worried if I would accept his offer. A spar with a God of Destruction? I want to refuse, but for some reason I totally want to fight him! I crossed my arms and held a smirk at the god.

"Sure. But promise me to not harm anybody here and not destroy the Earth. Already you're not going to easy, especially on the new comer." I said.

"Indeed, you shall get a real challenge if you do decide to be with this bunch. You are surrounded by the strong, no one shall fall behind. Now, shall we?" He said to me.

As everyone began to fly to the new location, Trunks pulled my leg. His eyes were filled with worry. Is he concerned? He doesn't have to be, he made a deal and God's should keep their word. I pat his head and grinned happily. He let's go of me as I went eye level with the Briefs male.

"Please be careful. He is a god." Trunks calmly says.

"Don't worry Trunks. It's just a spar. I made a deal with him so we'll be fine. Plus it isn't a fight to the death." I simply say as I kiss his cheek.

He began to blush badly as we resumed flying. He's cute, might as well become more courageous. Can't be a wimp with everyone. We flew to the location as I got into my stance. Everyone is watching from afar. My first spar against someone crazy powerful. This will be interesting.

"This always happens whenever we have a party and peace..." Bulma whines.

"I'm sorry Bulma! But I must take risks, I can't be as I was before!" I shout.

I then returned facing the God and balled up my fist. Okay get a grip, you're not fighting some alien like in your world. You've never really fought Goku or the others, you've jump straight into a top tier opponent. I took one last breath I raised the aura higher.

Beerus's aura was humongous with its menacing purple light. I wasn't going to lie to myself, he was so intimidating that I was shaking some more. I yelled louder and made the first move, teleporting behind him and landing my right knee in the middle of his back.

"Good thing I've been studying anatomy!" I shouted to myself.

"Like that'll help in a fight." Beerus said.

He did a spin kick, but I blocked it with my arm. I smirked, increasing our distance from each other and created energy-balls behind me. I outstretched my arm in front and sent them flying to my opponent. Each launched one at a time towards him, but as expected Beerus had dodged them all. The fight then went up way higher than expected, I couldn't see anything but clouds under us.

"Since when did we end up here?" I asked.

"In a fight, you tend to ignore your surroundings and only focus on your enemy. Keep that in mind while I throw this!" Said Beerus.

He held up one finger and on its tip was a continuously growing purple energy ball. This time I wasn't shook, I balled up a fist and smirked. Okay, this'll be my first time using it in battle. Don't mess this up or it'll his the planet! I made my legs separate from each other and put my hands to my right side, gathering energy in my palms.

"Ka-me-ha-me-HA!" I yell.

The blast was large and shot right dead center into Beerus's projectile. I tried increasing the damage, but his blast was too large of a scale. I yelled louder and I managed to push it back a few feet. C'mon! I can do this! My aura grew bigger and I managed to finally get rid of my opponent's attack. I took large breaths and grinned.

"That...was...amazing!" I shouted.

"Well you seem to be getting the hang of it, now-HEY WHIS WHAT IS THAT YOU'RE EATING?!" Beerus shouts.

My opponent looks down from the clouds and sees his mentor eating a type of food he has never seen. Immediately he forgot about our fight and decided to try out the new food. He ended the fight because of food... I floated back down and caught up with the gang. I waved my hands in the air and returned to normal. That power was amazing!

"Lord Beerus! We didn't finish our fight!" I whined.

"You're a fine fighter, there is no need for it to continue. You could rival out with the prince over there." He waves off.

"What?!" Vegeta and I shout.

I looked at him, he scoffs. I smirked at him and then after laughed. So I am basically on Vegeta's level right? Good to know, but from now on I'm earning my strength myself. We returned back to the party and began to enjoy ourselves.

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