Welcome Party with God

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"We have a couch in our house, you can stay there until you find a home." Trunks blurted.

"If that's okay with Vegeta and Bulma I'll do it. I don't care really." I said.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. Don't know what that meant, but whatever. We head back to Capsule Corp. to see Bulma setting up a small party. She was putting it together to welcome me to the new family and world. That's nice of her. But it isn't necessary for her to throw one. Oh well, never say no to a party!

I decided to help out, but kept being pushed away because I'm the guest. Bulma at least told me to gather the people invited from a list. Give the person who just arrived a list of people to find, yeah that's a journey. She thinks it's a better way to learn more about power levels and the other warriors.

"Okay then, first one is Gohan. Oh, I guess this one is my nephew...who is way older than me...okay got it!" I said to myself.

So I began my search for everyone. I met the child of Goku, very sweet. He's happy to know a sibling of his dad that won't kill him, caught me off guard but whatever. Best was Piccolo, a Namekian warrior. Goku told me about him, I even sorta met him. After that we caught up with Krillin, the Androids, and ChiChi. Everyone was very nice and welcoming.

"So you're my sister-in-law, I'm sorry I acted so rude in front of you!" Said Goku's wife.

"Hey it's okay, I'm learning about everyone so this party Bulma is throwing is a way to help me. She just had me fetch everyone and slowly get to know you all." I told her.

"Goku tends to drag everyone, but it's good that he found you. Especially another Saiyan, well that's more Vegeta." Piccolo told me.

"Yeah, who knew Goku had a younger sister?" Krillin adds.

I grinned. We made our way towards the party and I met other people like Majin Buu, Mr. Satan, Tien, and more. Everyone was very welcoming to me. I learned past stories and fights of every warrior here. Some had asked to see me Super Saiyan, so as I turned into that form many were in awe just to see a female one.

"So if I'm correct, this asshole named Frieza destroyed our planet and I happen to be a 'lost Saiyan' that's a girl?" I question.

"Seems like it. Be proud of this race and learn. Since you're Kakarott's kid sister I will most likely want to challenge you." Said Vegeta.

God he looks so badass! We mingled together and I was enjoying my time meeting everyone. I stuffed my face with so much food and took a few drinks. Might be underaged but whatever! I won't have too much! I started loving everyone here and grew bonds with them. I walked up to Bulma and thanked her for this small party.

"I can tell you'll be with us for a while, you need to be brought in to the group! We're a lively bunch but as long as there isn't danger ahead of us. Usually at these kinds of things trouble always starts. Speaking of trouble, I need to get two more people here." She told me.

Bulma held a large bowl of an ice cream sundae in hand. That's bigger than my head! She lifts it up high and shouts towards the sky with a bright smile. What in the hell is she doing? I don't think anyone is gonna pop out of the sky like that.

A bright light then began to show beside the buffet table next to Bulma. A tall light blue-skinned male with a strange hairstyle of white appeared with a purple hairless cat beside him. Well then I'm going to shut up now, I have to remind myself that I'm not in the normal here.

Everyone greeted them happily, but Vegeta's attitude had completely changed. I walked over to them and held out my hand for a handshake to the tall male. I introduced myself to them happily. I gotta get used to this, I'll be meeting weird people all the time.

"Goku's younger sister? How cute, well I am Whis. I am an angel and Lord Beerus's teacher. Introduce yourself, my lord." Said the angel.

"Fine, I am Lord Beerus. So you're another Saiyan huh? More of these warriors, I could've sworn the entire race was eradicated." Said the cat.

"Yup, well I happen to be a survivor! So what kind of person are you? I've learned about everyone but never heard of you." I asked.

Vegeta quickly pulled me to the side in a quick startle. What is happening to him?! He is such a strict person, so why is he like this all of a sudden?! I grabbed both of this shoulders and lightly shook him, asking what is going on with him.

"A-Athena! Be quiet! That is Lord Beerus, he is a God of Destruction! He can end us all in one move so don't be so damn reckless!" He whisper-shouts at me.

"A God?! Of Destruction?! A destru-What the hell?!" I shout shaken.

I rush to Lord Beerus and bowed before him, giving him my respects and hopefully he won't kill me for acting as a familiar. Damnit all, why did I ask that?! That was rude of me! His hand was on my head and lightly pat it. I was startled by his actions and returned to my normal stance in confusion. I kept apologizing for my rude behavior. The god waved it off.

"It's quite alright, it isn't entirely necessary to do that but it is appreciated." He says.

"O-Okay then. So, out of curiosity how did you meet Goku and the others?" I asked.

He tells me the story of him foreseeing a Super Saiyan God and it was in the shape of my brother. So he went searching for one until all the Saiyans gathered together to give Goku the energy he needed to attain that form. Wait wait wait, we have god levels now?! I need to get strong...

My brother stepped up and transformed to his red god form instantly. I was in shock, but grew very excited. I looked at him from every angle, his hair didn't even change to a different style as it would for Super Saiyan. Amazing!

"That looks so cool! A Super Saiyan God?! I wanna have that form! Can I be a Super Saiyan God?! Erm... Goddess?" I said excitedly.

"That is an interesting request. Why don't we test that theory?" Said Beerus.

Yes yes yes! We were told of the process, Goku and Vegeta both had their hands on my back with the other half-Saiyans. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Seriously, what have I gotten myself into?

The Lost Female Saiyan [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora