Grant My Wish, Shenron!

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The next day, I woke up and didn't see Trunks. I walked over to the kitchen, seeing it as a mess. Baby food splattered on the cabinets and milk all over the floor. What the heck?!

"Athena! I'm sorry! Willow woke up cranky and she made a mess of her food." Trunks explains.

I stood there horrified. I shook that aside and grabbed a sponge. I waved it up and flew up to clean the higher grounds of mess. I looked down and saw his face of concern. He was more of a parent longer that I have. I feel bad.

"It's alright, Trunks. Willow has her days I bet. Help me clean." I calmly said.

He nods and helps me clean. A few carrots fell in Trunk's face, I was clutching my stomach laughing. After a while once we finished, I grabbed a fresh bottle of baby food and started to feed Willow. She tried to slap it out of my hand but I had a firm grip. She then gave up on her little attitude and started to eat.

A few minutes later, all three of us flew to Videl's place so Willow and Pan could have their play-date. We both waved and walked off. In the middle of me and Trunks's conversation, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I received a text from Vegeta. It's weird that he has a phone.

Vegeta: Athena, wake up!
Me: I am up, Vegeta. What is it?
Vegeta: I gathered up all the Dragon Balls. Get over here.
Me: yeah alright. Cya there.

It was still early in the morning and I'm already having to do important stuff. I rolled my eyes and showed Trunks the texts. He nodded as we both flew and finding his energy levels. There were others around him so it must be Dende's palace.

Once we arrived, Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, and the others were here. Android 18 just settled down the last Dragon Ball. The ones that didn't see me yesterday noticed that I'm not with King Kai. Time to explain once more.

"Yes! I am dead but I'm staying here until tomorrow. Well, I'm apparently being brought back thanks to Vegeta." I called out.

Goku began to summon Shenron. Dende reminded me that we only get two wishes so we got to make them count. Dende suggests that I should be resurrected first before any other wish could be made. Everyone nods. The Dragon Balls began to glow as the sky darkens. Finally, a green light forms, awakening Shenron.

"Speak your Wish." Shenron commands.

I look up at him, amazed. A freaking dragon is right in front of me?! Awesome! Everyone stood there, ready to say the first wish. I was completely mesmerized by the huge lizard that I tuned out of reality.

"Shenron! We would like to know if we can resurrect Athena. She isn't from this realm." Goku asks.

Shenron looks through the crowd, then looking at me. I shook my head and returned to reality, waving at the dragon. I can't believe I'm saying hi to this thing.

"She may be resurrected. I'm surprised you have a sister, Son Goku." Shenron says.

Everyone cheers with joy, knowing I can be brung back to life. I jumped with excitement. I get to be alive again! Being dead was cool and all, but I'm tired of being cold all the time!

"Now, speak your second wish." Shenron demands.

"Our last wish, please bring Athena back to live once again!" Goku asks.

Shenron's eyes began to glow red, making the final wish. The halo above my head faded away, knowing that I am no longer dead. Hell yeah! Everyone else around me cheered with joy, the silent ones just nodded it off.

"Yes! I'm not dead anymore!" I exclaimed.

Shenron wishes his farewells and disappeared, the Dragon Balls fly across the Earth in separate directions. Everyone hugged and celebrated. Vegeta then placed his hand on my shoulder, ready for our training for the tournament in a few months. I then stopped celebrating, remembering my promise.

"Guys, tomorrow after Willow's birthday party, I'm going straight to Lord Beerus and Whis to go find the Super Dragon Balls to wish my family's health to return." I told.

They heard my statement and understood. We all then went back to Bulma's place. We requested her to hand us the Super Dragon Ball radar quickly. She nodded and went looking for it. I can finally have my family back in my life!

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