Vegeta and I, Training for the Tournament!

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The next day, both me and Vegeta walked into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. I get to train with him again. Man I miss this as well. I stretched my legs and arms, doing my usual quick side-steps and cracking my knuckles.

"So, how long are we going to train?" I asked.

"Daily. But for weekends, breaks." Vegeta responds.

"Don't get mad when I kick your ass, even if we're held back." I smirked.

The prince scoffed as usual. I fix the armor part of the suit I'm wearing. We both walk separately and got into our fighting stances. We both smirked and waited a few more seconds. Finally, we both started our training. We didn't begin using KI attacks so we used our physical strategies first.

After a while, we both went Super Saiyan and resumed. Vegeta immediately swung a fist at me, thankfully I dodged it and leg swiped him. He smirks and then shoots a KI blast, my surprised self getting hit.

"We agreed on using physical attacks today, Vegeta!" I yelled.

"Expect the unexpected, Athena." Vegeta told.

"It's a human Tournament! We aren't using Ki blasts!" I said.

"We'll see." He responds.

I dusted off my arm and teleported behind him. He assumed I was going to chop the back of his neck, so he leg swiped behind. I wasn't behind him. He looked confused and looked forward. I came up at him launched a kick to his chest, sending him flying back.

"Hehe. Snake eyes." I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and we resumed training. We used physical attacks the entire time. After a while we decided to have a break, so we both headed towards the kitchen area of the chamber. I punched his shoulder and quickly ran pass him, waving my hand in the air.

"I call the entire fridge!" I called out.

Vegeta teleported already in front of it, grabbing dozens of food. I started to complain that he cheated and then we started a small argument. I grabbed some meats and flew off with it. We started fighting over food until he pinned me down to the ground. I stuck my tongue out in a childish way. Vegeta helped me up and we started to have our food.

"So, tell me about the World Tournament. What's it like?" I asked.

Vegeta told me that they use a bracket system. He as well told me about a type of way to enter by strength by punching a machine. The highest numbers would be able to participate, it must exceed a certain limit. With this bunch of strong as help people, we could break that with a normal punch.

"I'm just gonna tap it." I told.

"Whatever it's a damn machine, they can rebuild it after I turn it into parts." He responds.

I laughed. After a while we finished food and resumed back to physical attacks. Time seemed to be going fast. I know my friends are going to join, but I don't know if I'll even make it to fight my brother. That would be a thrilling fight.

"Stop dozing off, Athena! What could you possibly be thinking of?" He yells.

I snapped out of my thoughts and got kicked in the face, flying far back. I held onto my face, having a bloody nose. He f*cking broke it! I need to lie down and stop the blood rush.

"Damn it Vegeta! Ah shit that hurts!" I cursed.

"What's on your mind?" He demanded.

I told him what was on my mind. He reminded me that weaklings will be our first matches so it'll be easy to end up with the group. On the other hand, we don't know if I'll be fighting Goku or not.

A few hours later we finally finished training for today. We walked out pretty beaten up but alright. We waved good nights and flew home. Can't wait for this tournament!

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