10: Taboo ~Warning~

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Hailey's POV
I saw myself in my old bedroom. The baby blue walls, the soft white carpet, my bed with little curtains around it and the white Christmas lights I had nailed up above the bureau. Despite my aunt Lindsey's protest. I got up to change clothes. I stripped down to my panties. I looked at my figure in the mirror of my bureau and nearly cringed at my reflection. I bared my teeth and looked at my hideous braces. I had spotty ache around my forehead and unruly black curls that often fell in my face. I wasn't much to look at, I thought. Though Harry told me everyone thought I was pretty. He never said he thought so but he did always tell me I looked nice.

My breasts were bigger than all the other girls my age and they often picked on me for that. My aunt always told me they were only jealous of how my body looked. I stared at my breasts in the mirror, I couldn't understand why it was something worth being jealous over. The only thing big knockers ever got me was a lot of boys' eyes on me, which I hated, and back pain. I often had Harry walk on my back to relax the muscles. It helped. Temporarily. I was deep in thought. I cupped my breasts with both hands and pushed them up a little then let them go. My body wasn't something I was very proud of most days.

Especially not after what happened next. I was so lost in my own thoughts I hadn't heard my dad walk into the room. Or stumble was more like. He was piss drunk, always was now. I jumped hard when I felt his breath on my neck. His breath, which was absolutely putrid with booze. I watched him eye my reflection, licking his lips. I covered my breasts and turned to face him. "Dad. Knock please. I tell you this all the time." I said blushing profusely. He smiled and said something extremely weird. "You have your mother's body." He whispered. I stood still. I couldn't make myself move a muscle. He grabbed one of my arms and pulled me closer. His eyes were empty.

He brought my face close to his. "God, saw fit to take your mother away from me. But he left you with me." He said. His voice had no emotion. "He blessed you with so much of her. Her hair, her eyes, her beautiful body." He breathed. I squirmed to attempt to get him to release my arm. He grabbed my bum then. I squeaked and he hushed me. His other hand slipped into the front of my panties. "I bet you'll sound just like her." He said. His fingers were somewhere no one had ever touched. Where no one was supposed to touch. I wanted him to stop but my mouth wouldn't make the words. His fingers touched my core and I shivered uncomfortably.

"St-Stop." I choked out finally. He didn't though. Instead I felt his index finger penetrate my entrance. My eyes squeezed shut. It hurt. I felt like something was ripping inside of me. He forced another digit inside me and tears poured from my eyes then. It hurt even more. He added another and slid them in and out of me. The tearing feeling continued. It never ceased. My crying went unnoticed and my pleas for him to stop were unheard. He moaned. My sick fuck of a father moaned. My arms remained crossed over my chest the whole time. I was shaking violently. I felt a knot in my stomach and my body started to tingle. It hurt still. But behind that was an uncontrollable pleasure.

I felt a huge wave of it. Though everything still physically hurt. Then any pleasure that I had disappeared. I didn't want it to feel good. But I didn't want it to happen all together. The human body cannot help feeling pleasure from sexual stimulus. And that's what had happened then. My mind and heart said it hurt no matter what. But my body found pleasure regardless. My dad withdrew his hand from my panties and just walked from my bedroom without a word. I cried so much. I took a scolding shower. Nothing made me feel clean again. I sat up suddenly in bed. My head hit the top of the bunk. I was drenched in a cold sweat. Harry was still asleep beside me.

I slipped out of the bunk without waking him. I walked out and sat down on the couch. Niall was on the floor watching tv. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." I said putting on a small smile. "You're up early." He said. I didn't know what time it was. "What time is it?" I asked. "6:30." He answered. "Do you want a cuppa?" He asked. "That'd be nice." I nodded. He got up and poured me a cup of hot tea. "How do ya take it?" He asked. "Half a spoon of sugar, honey and mint." I replied. He came back and handed me the cup. "Thanks, love." I said. "No problem." He responded. I sipped on my tea.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked him. "Damn jet lag." He replied. I nodded. "You?" He asked. "Nightmare." I said softly. "Wanna talk about it?" He questioned. I cooed. "That's sweet of ya. But, no thank you. It's a little too personal." I responded politely. He nodded. We sat in a comfortable silence for all of five minutes before Niall spoke. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asked. I nodded and turned toward him. "I'm gay." He whispered. "Really?" I questioned. He bit his lower lip and nodded. "Don't tell anyone. Especially Paul. He'd have a freaking shit attack." He said. "Don't worry. I won't say anything." I told him. "But why tell me?" I asked.

"Well, I know you're bisexual. So, I figured you'd understand better than anyone." He answered. "Makes sense." I responded. "How long have you been?" I questioned.  "A year or so." He replied. "Wow. You certainly don't come off that way. And I can usually tell." I said. He chuckled. "You really came off as bi, to me." He said smiling. I laughed. "Gay men have amazing gay-dar." I said. He laughed too. Harry walked in then. "There you are. Why'd you get outta bed?" He yawned. "Nightmare." I said. He sat down beside me and put his arm around me. I flinched. I couldn't tell if Harry noticed. "I'm sorry babe." He said. "It's okay." I responded. He went to kiss me and I moved away unintentionally. He looked at me weird and I stood up and locked myself in the little bathroom.

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