21: Marry

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3rd Person POV
*Three Months Later*
Hailey's aunt helped her into her black wedding gown. Kylee did her make up, which was minimal. Kaylynn had blown out her curls making them no more. Now, her hair was completely straightened. Her gown came to her feet so she'd have to lift it, going down the isle. It had long lace black sleeves. A black wedding dress wasn't traditional of course. But, Harry and Hailey both agreed. They didn't want a traditional wedding. They wanted their wedding. The reception would be a traditional Catholic ceremony. Harry's mother's own requirement of her son before he could get married. Hailey had wanted that anyway. Of course they could hardly wait to get married so they both planned their own wedding.

With the both of them planning, it didn't take them very long to have exactly what they wanted in order. A Catholic church wedding, black suits with red ties. White table cloths on the tables in the ballroom. Black rose center pieces on each table. Red bridesmaid's dresses. White wedding cake with black icing and piping. A stage with a live band and a DJ system so they could have songs queued up when they wanted. It was absolutely perfect to the both of them. Hailey's bridesmaids were, Kylee; who was her maid of honor, Kaylynn, Hailey's cousin, Rebecca and Gemma. Harry's best man was Louis and his groomsmen were, Zayn, Liam and Niall. The set up of everything was quite simple yet elegant.

"God, you look so beautiful." Hailey's aunt cried as she looked Hailey over. "Aunt Lindsey, if you make me get married with red eyes, nothing good with come of it." She said firmly as she smoothed down the front of her gown. "You do look beautiful, Hails." Kylee smiled. "Harry's one lucky man." She said. Hailey smiled softly at Kylee. "You know, you would've made a very pretty bride if we'd gotten married." Hailey said. "I wouldn't have been in a dress though. I still can't believe I'm in one now." Kylee responded. "And, please. The whole fourth year class of secondary knew you and Harry were gonna happen. 'Most likely to become a couple' ring a bell?" She questioned. Hailey giggled and nodded.

"And a right good couple they make Harry's mother, Anne smiled. "I knew it as well." She said. "Oh, nearly everyone here knew it." Hailey replied. "Knock knock. Everybody decent?" Niall questioned from outside the door. "Yes, Ni." Hailey called. Niall stepped into the room and was completely awed by Hailey's appearance. "You look, breathtaking." He smiled. "Thank you, sweetheart." She smiled as she stepped down from the step stool in front of the mirror. Niall held a large black box with a bow tied around it in his hands. "Harry wanted me to give this to you." He said handing it to Hailey. She untied the bow and opened the top of the box gasping at what was inside. She pulled out a diamond tiara.

"Oh my God." Kaylynn awed at it. "It's beautiful." Kylee whispered. "There's a note." Hailey said reaching into the box again. She read aloud, "My beautiful Hailey, I was always told that a woman's wedding is one of the most special days of her life. Today is our day. Wear this for me today. Because, today, Hailey Marie, you become my princess. And every princess needs a tiara." Hailey was teary eyed but held back the tears. "That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard." Kaylynn nearly bawled. "Mhm." Kylee nodded biting her lip, also fighting back tears. While as Anne, Gemma and Lindsey weren't as strong and wept like babies. "I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry." Hailey told herself. Gemma fanned Hailey with her coat.

"Yeah, don't cry. Then you'll have to have your make up redone and I'm not sure we have time for that." Gemma said. Anne placed the tiara on Hailey's head. "It's time." Adam said poking his head in the door. Each of the bridesmaids went ahead of Hailey as her aunt and Anna looked her over. Hailey made her way to the entrance where the isle started. Paul was giving her away. He took her arm as Night Changes played instead of the wedding march. Yep. Definitely not traditional. They walked slowly down the isle. Harry's breath caught in his throat as he saw Hailey. He helped her up the steps to the alter and Paul sat down. The reception began. It was lengthy.

But, their vows were short and sweet. They said them together. "I'll keep you by my side. I'll never let you go. You're my everything. Without you, I am not myself. I love you. And my life has meaning, because, I do." They put the rings on each other's fingers and the priest announced, "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles." That was when Harry got to kiss his bride. He kissed her long and passionately. Cheers erupted and applause was heard as they broke away. Harry took Hailey's hand and together they walked up the isle past all their friends and family.

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