26: Addition

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Hailey's POV
I was pacing the floor of the bathroom waiting for the timer on my phone to go off. I kept glancing at the pregnancy test on the counter. I didn't wanna have to see another negative. I'd seen so many of them already, I wasn't sure I could handle another one. When the timer finally did go off I could barely look. I picked the test up from the counter and looked down at the result window. I screamed as I read it. Harry ran upstairs, into our bathroom; a look of concern spread across his face. "What happened? Is there a spider in here again?" He asked quickly. "I'm pregnant!" I squealed jumping up and down. "You are?" He questioned, concern dissipating into surprised happiness.

I could only nod. My excitement having brought me to a loss for words. He embraced me tightly and we rocked each other back and forth until he pulled back and looked into my eyes. "I'm so happy." He said as he pushed his lips to mine. "So am I." I responded. He picked me up and twirled me around and I squealed in joy. "I knew it. I knew that we'd have a baby." Harry grinned as he set me back down on my feet. He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it softly. "You're the love of my life, you know that?" He questioned. I blushed and nodded.

He placed a hand on my flat stomach and smiled ear to ear again. "We're gonna be parents." He whispered as he began to lower his lips toward mine. "Yes, we are." I said as I stood on my toes and pushed my lips to his. "Harry?" I whispered. "Yes, angel?" He asked. "I love you. So much." I said gently. "I love you too, baby girl. I love you so much." He replied. I couldn't believe I was finally pregnant. It had really scared me how long it was taking. I knew it had been worrying Harry too, he loved trying to get me pregnant though. I quite liked it as well. How could I not? Constant sex with my husband. Oh yeah, have to love that.

I did kinda miss having a little glass of wine with dinner. That and coffee. Caffeine isn't good for you when you're trying to get pregnant. This was crazy. In the past 13 years, Harry and I had gone from, best friends, to friends with benefits, to dating, to engaged, to married. And, now we were married, with a baby on the way. Absolutely, crazy. I used to run with Harry for years and for the majority of that time, all I saw him as was my best friend. Until I was 16. God, prom night. I felt like Cinderella that night, I had the cutest guy in school. Which really wasn't an exaggeration. Every girl I'd ever been around, had wanted Harry. Most girls, thought I was with him already back then.

It wasn't until a few weeks after junior prom, that I slept with him. That night was crazy.
I was at a party with Harry. Kaylynn was having a huge party because her parents were outta town. Harry and I always went to parties together because we didn't like having to find dates for things. The music in the house was playing so loud, the bass had the floor vibrating. I hadn't seen Harry around in a half hour, so I kept glancing around the crowded living room, that was effectively the dance floor. I couldn't find him anywhere in the crowd of people. I started to walk off to look for him elsewhere but two large hands gripped my waist and spun me around quickly.

Before I could tell who it was, a warm pair of soft lips pushed firmly into mine. I pressed my hands into an unknown but firm chest. A gentle and suddenly familiar hand took mine, softly caressing the skin with his thumb. I began to kiss back as I was certain who it was. Harry's tongue flooded my mouth and I gasped. I tasted a hint of alcohol on his breath but it wasn't overbearing. He picked me up and I threw my arms around his neck, moaning at the intensity of the situation. I had so many questions at the moment but I didn't want this to stop. I'd been dying to do this for weeks.

He stumbled up the steps to one of Kaylynn's guest rooms. He popped my top as he flung the door open. My bra was off quickly after that. Harry took it and hung it on the doorknob outside the door slamming it closed. He threw me down on the queen sized bed that was perfectly made up. He pulled his shirt off and undid his pants. Moaning, sweating, panting and screaming was all I could really remember after we finished. My mind was blank otherwise. "Sorry." He had told me afterward. "Why?" I asked. "I kinda ambushed you." He responded. "Don't worry about it. What made you do that anyway?" I had finally asked. "I've been wanting to...for a while. But, alcohol gives me confidence." He chuckled.

It was definitely an awkward situation the morning after. But it was awesome to have it in memory. I mean, hell, if that first time hadn't happened when it did; would it have happened at all? Maybe we wouldn't have become the way were now if it hadn't happened. All I knew was, I had a wonderful life. I had my dream guy as my husband, I was pregnant with my first baby, I was working through college to get my dream career. Things played out the way they did because that was how they were meant to be. Everything happens for a reason. Mistakes get made so that we can learn from them. So, as far as I was concerned, I'd never made a mistake with Harry that I didn't learn from.

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