30: Novelist

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Hailey's POV
Well, here's where I was at in life. My novel's done! And, now, has been published by a pretty popular local publishing company. I never thought it would happen. Actually being published. Half the things in my life, that have happened, I never coulda imagined happening. Having Darcy, putting my literary degree to its full potential, becoming Harry's wife. It was all pretty unbelievable, but it just reminded me how fortunate I was to have the life that I have. It was just absolutely incredible. "Hey babe, ready to take a little break?" Harry asked me. I'd been signing copies of, my newly printed novel, for almost an hour and a half now. "Yeah, sounds good." I responded smiling. We left the bookstore and walked down the sidewalk through the now, much chillier, Holmes Chapel air.

Harry led me into the bakery, jumping over the counter and putting on his maroon apron. I smiled, leaning over the counter. He leaned in and pecked my lips. "Feels kinda like secondary again, doesn't it?" He asked as he pulled back a bit. "Kinda. But better." I grinned. Harry had decided to pick up his job at the bakery again. Just part time. We both liked it because it reminded us both of how things used to be between us. Things were definitely better than they were then however. Now, we were married and had a beautiful three month old daughter and both had our dream careers. And then some.

He would be back touring in 15 months, but until then, he worked full time in a law office in town weekdays and had six hour shifts at the bakery on weekends. Weekends for which, Anne or my aunt would watch Darcy so that Harry and I could spend time together. I had things to do involving my novel most days but regardless I always found ways to spend time with my husband every day. Our relationship had definitely gotten back on track. He tapped the counter top in front of me, gesturing for me to hop up. I had always sat on the counter here after school, watching Harry work and, of course, goof off at times. I plopped myself down on the counter top, swinging my legs over in Harry's direction.

He stood between my legs, large hands on my waist, drawing me closer to him. As our lips met, I wound my arms around his neck. He placed something down on the counter beside me, causing me to look down. "It's my book." I smiled. "That it is." He grinned. "Why?" I said giving him a questioning look. "I just finished reading it." He replied. I let out an almost embarrassing squeal of delight and began peppering his face with kisses. "Babe. Babe, ok. Hey, hey, you're getting lipstick everywhere." He chuckled. "You liked it?" I questioned, meaning the novel. "I absolutely loved it. Should make it a movie." He grinned. "We are a movie." I giggled.

"We might as well be." He nodded. I looked at my book, picking it up. "Should read it to Darcy when she's older, just not the graphic parts." I said. "Oh yeah, she wouldn't wanna hear that. Though I quite liked them." He smirked. "Wanna start a new chapter?" I grinned. "So much." He whispered. I threw myself into his arms as he carried me to the little break room. "Chapter 30." He chuckled as he pulled my shirt off. I giggled. I still had the book in my hand as he laid me down. I read in my head,

"WHEN HARRY MET HAILEY by: Hailey Styles."

Hailey's cover ⬇

Hailey's cover ⬇

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