23: Dinner

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Hailey's POV
Tonight we were having dinner with Harry's parents. I had on a black, strapless, ruffly dress that came down slightly above my knees. My hair was down in my natural curls and I didn't have make up on, just lipstick. Harry was wearing a black button up and dress pants. His hair, of course, was down and we were both prepared to hear his mother complain about how men shouldn't have hair as long as his. Robin opened the door for us when we arrived, pecking me on the cheek and embracing Harry in a hug. Anne did the same. "Hailey, you look, lovely." She complemented me. "Thank you." I replied. "Dinner's on. So, let's eat shall we?" She said.

Harry and I sat side by side and Robin and and sat side by side across from us. We all served ourselves and began making polite dinner conversation as we ate. "Hailey how's pursuing your literary degree coming along?" Robin asked me. "A few more months until I graduate and it's going quite well." I replied. "I can't believe our daughter in law's going to be a famous author." Anne beamed. "Mum." Harry said. "No. Darling, it's fine. I can only hope I become a famous author, so fingers crossed." I smiled. As the night progressed conversation topics bounced around rapidly. As I sipped my wine, Anne raised a question. "So, how soon are we receiving grandchildren?" She asked. I choked on my wine. "Mum!" Harry said through his teeth.

"Anne." Robin said quickly. "Excuse me." I said as I pushed my chair from the table. I found the nearest bathroom and closed the door behind me, locking it. "Could you have been more blunt?" I heard Harry tell his mother. "I assumed you to were planning on blessing us with grandchildren." She reasoned. "We haven't even discussed it, mother." He said. "Dear, you did rather spring that on the two of them out of the blue." Robin stated. "I didn't mean to spook her. I was simply asking a question." She said. "I'll fetch her and we should just go. We don't need tonight getting anymore awkward." Harry said haughtily. He knocked on the door a minute later.

"Hailey, sweetheart. Can I come in?" He said from behind the door. I sighed as I undid the lock and moved back as he stepped in. "You okay?" He asked. "I don't know." I replied. "I'm sorry she spat that out the way she did." He apologized. "C'mon, we can just go." He said. I nodded. We grabbed our coats and my purse and Anne apologized repeatedly as we left. Neither one of us spoke on the ride home and when we finally got home I went straight upstairs to our bathroom and ran myself a bubble bath. Yes, bubble bath.  They relaxed me. I stripped and laid back in the tub trying to forget most of the night's events. I had never really thought about it. Having kids.

I'd love to have kids. Especially with Harry. But the way it was just randomly spat out as if it were nothing big. It terrified me. I never knew my own mum, so I really didn't think I'd make a very good one myself. I did always like the idea of having my own little girl though. Do her hair, paint her nails, put her in dresses and talk about her crushes when she got older. Harry and I never really talked about kids. But I think I want them. No, I definitely want them. I just didn't know if Harry would want them as well. And we haven't been married all that long, so maybe he'd think we were moving to fast.

Harry didn't really react as shocked as I did at the question. He was shocked. Just not extremely, like I was. I looked at my phone on the counter and realized I had been in the bath for nearly an hour. I stood up and drained the tub as I dried off. I walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around me, keeping all of my body covered. Harry was laying on our bed, on his phone. He raised his eyes from the screen to me. I faced the dresser, dropping my towel, as I pulled a pair of black panties and Harry's black Rolling Stones t-shirt from the drawers. I stepped into the panties and pulled the shirt on.

I walked to my side of the bed and Harry lifted the duvet for me as I slid into bed beside him. "How was your bath, honey?" He questioned. "Warm. Wet. Bubbly." I shrugged. "Hailey. Can we talk about what happened earlier?" He asked. "Yeah. We should." I nodded. "I really am sorry that mum ambushed you like that. She didn't realize it hadn't been discussed at all." He apologized again. "I don't really blame her for asking. The way it was said is what got me." I replied. "Hailey, is having kids, something you really don't want for us?" He asked. "No. Harry, I want to." I said. "You want to?" He repeated. "I really do. It's just that since we'd never talked about it, it scared me to think about." I admitted.

"What is there to be scared about, darling? It's not like I'm gonna leave you or anything. I'm your husband, I married you because I want to spend every moment of my life with you." He responded. "I don't know if I'm really gonna be a good mum. Mine wasn't around, so it's quite nerve racking to think about." I said softly. "Aw, baby. C'mere." He cooed pulling me into a hug. "You'll be a perfect mum." He whispered in my ear. "I know you will be." He said. "Thanks babe." I whispered. He brought my hands to his lips and kissed each of my knuckles. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetness." He told me.

"It doesn't have to happen immediately. We can wait until you're absolutely ready." He smiled. "There's no harm in trying, is there?" I questioned with a small smile on my face. "Mm, that's my girl." He grinned as began kissing my neck.

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