18: Harley

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Harry's POV
I was helping Hailey pack. We were getting ready to drive to the airport for her flight.  She and I spent as much time as we could together before today. I still couldn't believe she had to go though. And God knows I didn't want her to. I'd go crazy without her and she without me. I was a little nervous to see how a long distance relationship between the two of us was going to work but I was ultimately optimistic. What else could I do at this point? Hailey zipped up her suitcase and looked sadly at me. "That's all of it. I'm all packed." She sighed. I picked up her suitcase and her carry on, she grabbed her purse.

We walked out into the den and the guys stood from the couch. "Ready?" Paul questioned. We both nodded. Ready wasn't the word here. None of us were ready for her to go. We went down, through the lobby. Security guards on either side of all of us. We stepped into the car and Preston put Hailey's stuff in the back. We stayed cuddled up the entire drive to the airport. I grabbed Hailey's bags from the car and we went to find her gate. When we found it, I put her bags down and hugged her tight. The tears were falling steadily as she hugged me back. "I'm really gonna miss you." I whispered. "I'll miss you too Har." She responded.

She hugged each of the boys and Paul. She pecked Niall on the cheek. "Keep him outta trouble." She told him. I chuckled through my tears. Niall nodded. "You stay outta trouble." He laughed. "No promises." She responded. She came back to me and this time, we locked lips. Her arms wrapped securely around my neck and I gripped her waist. I was crying. Tears rolling down my cheeks silently as I kissed Hailey with everything I had in me. She brought both hands to my cheeks and kissed me harder. She pulled back and looked into my teary eyes, hers teary as well. "I love you. I love you so much." She whispered. "God, I love you too, Hailey." I responded pecking her lips again. "I gotta go." She sighed.

"I know." I sniffled. She planted a lingering kiss on my lips as she parted. Leaving to board her flight. "I love you." I called as she walked away. "I love you too." She called back turning and blowing me a kiss. "Hailey wait!" I yelled running after her. "Baby, I gotta go." She said. "I know. Here." I said as I took off my necklace. It had a little paper airplane charm on it. She cooed and kissed my lips. She quickly put the necklace around her neck. "I love you." I said. "I love you too, Harry." She smiled. She went to board her flight then and I sighed. We stayed at the airport until I saw Hailey's flight take off.

Back in the hotel I was sitting on the couch and watching the slideshow of the pictures from Hailey's camera on the flat screen. Liam passed through and stopped, looking at the tv. "She left that here?" He asked. "Yeah. Intentionally. She said I might as well hold onto it because she already has these pictures and videos on a flash drive." I responded. He nodded. "She really was a beautiful girl in secondary huh?" He questioned looking at the picture on screen. "She still is a beautiful girl." I nodded. "Yeah. She is that." He agreed. "I miss her already." I said softly. "I think we all do mate. She felt like the little sister I never had." He stated. "Really?" I questioned.

"Seriously. I had the strong instinct to protect her." He replied. I chuckled sadly. "Hailey doesn't really need anyone to protect her. She's strong enough on her own." I stated. "She kinda looks like she could kick somebody's ass." Liam said. "I've seen it happen."
Derek Adams had me pinned up against the lockers. He had me by the front of my shirt as he slammed me against the metal again. I'd accidentally set the alarm off on his new car and one of the other fourth year guys thought it'd be funny to tell him I was trying to break into it. So, that brought us here. The middle of a crowded hallway, surrounded by other kids watching. He balled his hand into a fist and punched me in the stomach.

I wanted to scream out in pain but it had taken the air straight outta my lungs. I doubled over in pain and internally begged for everything to stop. "Move it! Or I'll remove it!" I heard her yell. Hailey shoved the crowd of people and ripped Derek away from me. I fell to my hands and knees hard on the tile floor. Kaylynn helped me stand and I watched as Hailey pinned Derek to the wall. "Don't you ever put your fucking hands on Harry, you little bitch!" She shouted. She punched him in the jaw. "Got me?" She questioned. "You fucking cunt!" Derek yelled clenching his jaw. She hit him harder. This time nailing his left eye.

"I said, you fucking got me?" She questioned him again. He nodded and she kicked him in the shin. "Good. Touch my Harry again and you'll wake up in a hospital." She said as she walked over to me. "You okay, love?"
"She really beat the dude?" Liam questioned. "Yep. He never touched me again. Nor did anyone else." I nodded. "Wow. Your girlfriend's a bad ass." He said. "Yeah. My Hailey's no, well, what she calls it, daisy." I smiled. "A daisy being?" He asked. "A weaker woman." I answered. "Ah." He nodded. "You two make a really great couple." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, mate. I know the fans really think so." I smiled.

"Yeah the amount of Harley on social media and the fan's signs at shows is ridiculous. And rarely negative." He replied. "Yeah. They ship us like Amazon." I joked. He chuckled. "Everyone seems to." He nodded. Harley was the fan's ship name for Hailey and I. Harry plus Hailey equals Harley.

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