16: Change

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Hailey's POV
Harry and I stood on stage and we each took a large swig of his water in his water bottle. We both did one of his trademark water sprays up in the air. My was dampened as all the water came raining down on us both. It'd been three months since I'd joined the guys on tour.  And about three months since Harry and I got into an actual relationship. I was extremely happy to be with Harry after being in love with him for nearly six years. But, things were going to change soon. Really soon. I really didn't want things to change but they were going to. I was only able to be on tour with Harry while I was on summer holiday from University.

Harry and I hadn't talked about why I was able to when I came and I didn't wanna bring it up. Now, I really had to. I had to leave for Manchester in a few days. I should never have waited this long to tell him. I just couldn't bring myself to do it sooner. I love him so much. I didn't wanna put a strain on things. In a few days, I would be back in Manchester, my nose in my textbooks and working in my friend Penny's hair salon. And, my Harry would be traveling the world, miles and miles away from me. I felt the tears building in my eyes but I held them back. I couldn't let Harry see me cry.

Especially not on stage in front of a stadium full of people. We moved around on stage effortlessly. We'd all formed a sort of rhythm over the months. When the concert ended we all ran off stage clamoring like mad people. All of us were always happy coming off stage, as well as going on. We all went back to the hotel bar for drinks. Harry and I sat side by side at the bar. I ordered a bloody Mary and Harry ordered a screwdriver. "That was fun." I smiled at Harry. "Always is with you on stage with us." Harry grinned. "Aw, babe. Kiss me." I cooed. "Oooh, baby knows what she wants." He chuckled as he kissed my lips.

"Baby only ever needs you." I giggled. "Can you not talk in third person? It's weird." Liam stated. "So, are we. What's your point, Li?" Harry questioned. "I lost it." He shrugged. "Thought so." Harry said. I began to drift off into the thought of the discussion I planned on finally having with Harry. Well, it wasn't really a discussion. There was nothing to discuss. I had to leave. I didn't want to. I really didn't want to. Hell, I knew it would hurt. It was gonna kill me. But, I really didn't worry about me so much as I was worried how Harry would take it. Harry shook my shoulder. "You okay, babe?" He questioned. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." I said smiling through my internal pain.

When we headed up to the hotel we all watched a few shows. Not much was on though. And I really wasn't paying a bit of attention to anything or anyone. I sat drawing in my sketchbook all while thinking about the same thing. I had my ear buds in and I was blasting Zayn's album. Yes, I loved Zayn's music. It was music I really related to. Especially, Lucozade. I must have been mumbling the lyrics because Zayn looked at me and smiled brightly. I was sketching something quite random. It was the human heart. It was dripping blood while still pumping it, like it would if it was still in the human body. It was gray on the black paper.

I had another sketchbook with white paper but that was for my people sketches. Nearly all of them were of Harry. Some of them were really graphic depictions of Harry and I. Only near the back of it though. Harry didn't know of them. I finally got up from Harry's lap and put my sketchbook down on the coffee table. "Can we talk about something? Privately." I stated. Harry nodded and stood, both of us went into our room. "What's up, pipa?" He asked. "Sit." I said. Pointing at the edge of bed. "Okay?" He said as a question. "Something wrong?" He asked. I wasn't sure how to answer that. "Harry...." I sighed. He looked at me. I saw fear in his eyes.

"Is this a break up conversation?" He spat out quickly. "What? No! God, no. Of course not." I said quickly. "Oh thank God." He sighed. "But, I have something really important I need to tell you." I continued. "I just don't...know how you'll react." I told him. "Just come out with it." He said. I began pacing the floor in front of the bed. "I really love being with you guys on tour." I started. "It's been amazing. But, the only reason I was able to, I was on holiday from University. And, the year's starting really soon. And....I have to go back to Manchester, for college." I said. Harry's cautiously optimistic look on his face fell. "You're leaving?" He restated. I could only nod.

"When?" He asked. "Three days from now." I said softly, my voice quivering. "Three days?!" He exclaimed. "You knew you had to go back and you waited until three fucking days before you have to leave to fucking tell me!" He shouted at me. "What the fuck, Hailey?!" He yelled. Tears built in my eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry. Baby, I'm so so sorry. I just...I didn't wanna make you upset and I really didn't know how you'd react and....God I'm so sorry." I cried. My tears spilled over. "Yeah, so am I! I'm sorry I thought you'd fucking tell me something as important as this before now!" He screamed. "I know! I fucked up! God, I'm sorry!" I wailed. "I thought you loved me!"  He shouted.

"Harry of course I love you! You're my world! I'm never happy without you!" I exclaimed. "If you loved me, you would've brought this up, hmm, maybe when I asked you to come stay with me on tour!" He yelled. "Harry please." I begged. "How dumb are you? How could you not tell me?!" He said. My heart ached as he said that. How dumb are you? It echoed in my mind until I couldn't take it another second. I raised my hand to him and slapped him. "I may have done something stupid," I said as the tears flowed. "But, I'm not fucking stupid!" I yelled. I grabbed my purse and jacket from the chair in the corner and I stormed out.

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