19: Campus

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Hailey's POV
I was back home in Manchester by the next morning. School started back up tomorrow and I really wasn't ready mentally. Physically yes. I had everything I needed for this year's courses. I was taking two literary courses, an art course, a performing arts course and a law course. I was hoping to also become a paralegal as well as an author. Harry studied law when he was at University. The band kinda drew him away from it though. I missed him so much already. All the boys actually. I pulled up Harry's contact on my phone and hit call. It brought up the call methods and I clicked Skype. It rang twice before Harry's face appear on screen. "Hey, Hailey." He smiled.

"Hello, darling." I smiled back. "I miss having you here." He said. "I miss being there." I replied. "How was the flight?" He asked. "Long. Tiring. Still suffering from major jet lag. And I cried through half of it at least." I answered. "I cried in bed last night until I finally crashed." He whispered sadly. "I can't sleep in bed without you." He said. "I've yet to sleep. Though I know I won't sleep well without you to cuddle up to." I stated. "What time is it there?" He asked. "Like, 5 AM." I responded. "It's like 3 in the afternoon here." He yawned. "And you're still in bed?" I giggled. "Yes. I took the pillow case from the last hotel." He said.

"Why?" I questioned. "It smells like you." He blushed. "Aw, Har." I cooed. "It does though." He said pulling the pillow to his chest. I giggled at how cute he was being. "I wish you were here." He mumbled into the pillow. "God, I wish I was too, baby." I signed. He wet his lips. I could feel a tingling on my lips and Harry smiled. "I wish I could kiss you." He said. "I really wanna kiss you right now." I replied. "You look really pretty." He smiled. I blushed deeply. "Thanks, Harry." I said shyly. "What's that behind you, love?" He questioned. I turned to see what he was talking about. I giggled when I realized he meant the nearly life size poster of him on the wall behind me.

"It's you, baby." I grinned. "When did you put that up? 'Cause it wasn't there last time I visited." He stated. "I bought it, while I was on tour with you, mailed it here and had Kylee put it up." I responded. "Scared the living fuck outta me when I walked in though. Forgot it was there." I laughed. "Good thing you didn't buy a cardboard stand up." He chuckled. "Yeah, no. One of you that scares the fuck outta me, is enough." I joked. "One of me for other things is enough too, eh?" He smirked. My jaw dropped slightly but I laughed. "Definitely." I nodded. He burst out laughing and I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"Dirty minded, bastard." I sighed. "Well, you know." He shrugged. "You're lucky I love you." I teased. "You're lucky I love fucking you." He joked. "I love you, you crazy ass." I laughed. "I love you more." He replied. "I doubt that." I grinned. "Yeah? Hailey Marie, I love you more than I love my job." He smiled. I couldn't help but feel special when he said that. I blushed hard and he cooed. "God, you're pretty when you blush." He smiled. "Shut up, Harry." I mumbled. "You are though." He said. "Okay, curls. I should go. I have to prep for class tomorrow." I said. "Alright, baby. Have a great first day back." He smiled. "I'll try. And I'll call during lunch period." I responded.

"I love you, Hailey." He said. "I love you too, Harry." I replied. "Later, babe." He smiled. "Later." I said ending the call.
"Hey, gorgeous." Harry smiled at me as I Skype called him from my apartment at lunch. "Hey babe." I said. I was prepping a salad as we talked. "How were your classes?" He questioned. "They were interesting." I responded. "My second literary class starts after lunch. I've got a half hour." I told him as I finally started eating my fully prepared salad. He nodded. "How's Adam?" He asked. "Crazy as fuck. So, normal. For Adam anyway." I chuckled. He laughed. Adam was one of the few friends I actually had on campus. He was younger than I and a year lower than I was as well.

He was like a little brother to me. He had raven black hair and amazing eyes. One blue, like mine and the other was green. He'd recently dyed the front of his bangs, his fringe, purple. He had two facial piercings. His eyebrow and his lip. He often painted his nails black and rarely ever wore bright colors. I guess we were similar, in that sense. He was rather pretty to look at. For a guy. He wasn't like Harry. Harry was more masculine. Handsome and built and with well chiseled features. That was Harry, to me. My sexy boyfriend. Adam wasn't fond of Harry much. Nor was Harry of Adam but I think they put up with each other for me.

Harry chuckled. "What?" I asked. "You've got, salad dressing on the corner of your lips. I giggled and wiped my mouth with my hand. "You got it." He stated. I nodded. "You're so cute when you eat." He chuckled. "I eat like a dude." I said. "So? I'd rather you be comfortable enough with me to not have to eat like a little princess." He responded. "I love you." I giggled. "I love you too." He smiled. "Liam! Louis' in my chips again!" I heard Niall scream in the background. "Love of Christ! Y'all are children!" Liam shouted back. "Harry!" They all chorused. "Ugh. I'll be right back. I gotta go settle World War Three." He groaned, reluctantly leaving the room.

"Hey Hailey." Zayn smiled as he sat down in front of Harry's laptop. "Hey, Z." I smiled back. "How's University?" He asked. "S'alright. Not as fun as being on stage with you guys though." I said. He chuckled. "We all miss having you around. Niall especially." He said. "I miss you guys too."  I responded. Harry came back into the room then. "Bye, love." Zayn said as he left. "Bye." I replied. Harry plopped down in front of the laptop and shook his head, smiling. "Did, Dad solve the problem?" I joked. "I fear only temporarily because Mum's not here to assist." He laughed. "And you said we should have kids." I responded. "I did not." He protested like a toddler. We both burst out laughing then.

"God, I love us!" I exclaimed. "I love you." He grinned. "I love you too, babe." I responded. "Harry, we gotta go to the venue to rehearse." Louis said in the background. "Alright." Harry nodded. He looked back at me. "I gotta go." He sighed. "Okay baby." I nodded. "I love you. I'll text you later." He said. "Okay, babe. I love you too." I replied. "Bye, Hailey." He said. "Bye, Har."

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