25: Cut

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Harry's POV
Another month passed. Hailey still wasn't pregnant. I knew she was worried, even though I told her repeatedly not to be. I knew this would take time. But, even now, I myself was starting to become uneasy about it. I thought by now she would be pregnant. Over a month and a half without birth control, and having sex nearly everyday of that time period, and still no baby. I wanted answers. But, I really didn't wanna find out the worst. The worst being that, Hailey and I couldn't have a baby. Hailey nearly cried every time we came up with a negative pregnancy test. Actually, the last two times, I think she had cried. Not in front of me, but I'd heard sobbing while she'd been in the shower a few nights ago.

I stepped into the house, through the kitchen door. I could hear the tv in the den. I put my keys up on the key rack and took off my coat and shoes. I had a bouquet of roses in my hand. Hailey loved roses and I figured since she'd been so sad lately, maybe the flowers would cheer her up a bit. I walked into the den, and there was Hailey, on the couch watching an old romance movie. Tissue in hand and tears in her eyes. "Hailey Marie." I said as I strode over to her. "Oh. You're home early." She sniffled. "Why are you watching such a sad film?" I questioned as I leaned down and hugged my wife.

"I needed a good cry. This movie always makes me cry." She responded. "Now, why would you wanna cry like this, baby?" I asked. "I'm just sad." She whispered. I cooed and kissed her temple. "Maybe these will cheer you up." I smiled softly as I held the bouquet out to her. She smiled, flashing me her perfect teeth as she wiped her nose with the tissue wadded up in her hand. With her other hand she took it from me. "They're beautiful, Harry. Thank you." She said, wrapping her free arm around my neck and pecking my lips. "You're welcome, princess." I replied. She gently laid the bouquet down on the coffee table and cuddled up to me.

She buried her face in my neck and I smiled sadly. I pulled her into my lap and ran my hand through her hair. I looked at the tv recognizing the movie almost immediately. Terms of Endearment. This was one of the saddest movies I knew of and Hailey had seen it a lot. She wasn't lying when she said it always made her cry. I hated seeing Hailey so sad. I wanted to see my, happy, bouncy, giggly, perfect Hailey. "Hey, you know what I've been thinking?" I questioned. Hailey raised her head and looked into my eyes. "What's that?" She asked. "Cut my hair." I said. Her eyes widened. "Say again?" She questioned. "Cut my hair, baby." I chuckled.

"Why? Why would you want me to cut your luscious locks?" She said, dramatically. "I think it's time for a change. Don't you?" I laughed. "Well, sure. But, your hair? Your beautiful hair." She said running her fingers through it. "Will you do it for me? You know I only like you to cut my hair." I grinned. She giggled. "Let me go get ready, I'll call Kylee at work and we'll go down to the salon." She replied. Around a half hour later Hailey was ready and we drove down to the salon. As we entered, the little bell above the door jingled. Kylee was at the front desk and her face lit up upon seeing Hailey and I. "Hails." She smiled as Hailey made her way behind the counter.

They embraced each other and Hailey smiled at her. "How are you, Ky Ky?" She questioned. "I'm much better now that you're here, pretty girl." Kylee winked. Hailey giggled. Their flirtations were normal. They still had a very good friendship despite having ended their intimate relationship. I was okay with it. Along with the occasional snog between the two of them. I knew Hailey wouldn't go farther than what I was aware of. She preferred men. Hailey held her hand out to me and led me back to her station. Around her station were pictures of Hailey and I. Our prom pictures, pictures from us growing up together, our wedding pictures and pictures of me. A few of me, shirtless.

I sat in the chair in front of the mirror as Hailey donned an apron and draped a salon cape over me. "How do you want it?" She asked, smiling at me in the mirror. "Rough. How do you want it, baby?" I joked. She smacked me on the shoulder but giggled. "Cheeky bastard." She said. "Yours." I replied. "I'm aware. I married you." She nodded. "Now, Mr. Styles, how would you like your hair done?" She smiled.  "Whatever you think you'd like on me." I responded. She leaned down and kissed my cheek. "I have ideas." She whispered. I took it in ways I knew she didn't mean, but was surely hinting at. She wet my hair down with a spray bottle and began cutting it off.

"I think your mum will be pleased when she sees you've finally gotten this cut." She said. "Yeah. I'm really getting tired of hearing her bitch about how long it is." I replied. "Mhm. Same." She smiled. "How you feel about letting your wife cut your hair, Styles?" Kylee asked, grinning. I laughed, looking at her in the mirror. "Pretty damn good. God, knows I wouldn't trust anyone else near my neck with a pair of scissors and sheers. Especially you." I teased her. "Nope. I'd kill ya and steal your wife." She joked. Hailey and I  laughed as Hailey started to dry my hair with a towel. "I don't think you'd do the job for her." I said. "Hey, I used to." Kylee replied.

"Yes. Used to. You know I prefer men." Hailey responded as she began blow drying my now, short hair. "Yes, yes. My tongue could never do for you what his hard on can." Kylee nodded. "Ha. My tongue seems to do the job just fine." I laughed. Hailey whacked me upside the head. "Hush it." She laughed. "Don't tell me it doesn't." I replied.  "Oh baby, it does. But that's not her business." She whispered in my ear. She ran a comb through my hair and layered it a bit, then ran a little gel through it. "All done, baby." She smiled as she took the cape off me. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. "Nice job, baby girl." I smiled.

"Thank you. You like it?" She questioned. I stood from the chair and placed my hands on Hailey's waist. "I love it." I said as I leaned down and kissed her lips. I felt her smile against me and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Kylee cooed from behind us. We parted and looked at each other. "I love you." Hailey smiled up at me. "I love you too." I responded. "Aw, that's cute." Kylee cooed again. Hailey and I, simply rolled our eyes towards her. I took Hailey's hand as we got ready to head home. She and Kylee hugged each other once more. "You're coming in for your shift tomorrow, yeah?"  Kylee questioned. "Yes." Hailey nodded. "'Kay." Kylee smiled.

Hailey's hands rested on Kylee's hips and Kylee wrapped her arms around Hailey's neck. Hailey looked at me. For confirmation. I nodded. Her lips met Kylee's and Kylee hummed at the contact, as Hailey's tongue visibly entered her mouth. It last another minute and Hailey pulled back, leaving Kylee with one last simple peck on the lips. "She kiss better than me?" I asked Hailey as I opened the passenger door for her. "Hell, no." She said. I only laughed as we started the drive back to the house. 

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