27: Preparation

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Harry's POV
Two months pregnant. Hailey was now two months pregnant and I could tell she was so much happier now. We both were. She was even starting to look a bit pregnant. She had a slight pregnancy bump which made her normal clothes look quite tight on her. She'd officially graduated from school now. Hailey now had her master's degree in English Literature. "What do you think about, this color?" She asked, as we were looking at paint samples for the nursery in the store. "That's nice. I think I like the light turquoise a bit more though." I responded. "Yeah, I do too. It's more of a unisex color as well." She said. "Mhm. And since you want it to be a surprise..." I chuckled.

"Yes, I do." She smiled. "Does it have to be? Wouldn't you rather know before you give birth to it?" I asked. "Harry Edward Styles, I want it to be a surprise for both of us. Now that's the end of it." She said. "I'm sorry, I'd just prefer to know." I apologized. "I know you would, darling. I just think it's better to be surprised." She smiled. "So, turquoise?" She questioned. "Yep. As long as we're in agreement." I nodded. "Mhm." She hummed. I picked up two cans of the turquoise paint and put them in the shopping cart. I took Hailey's hand and we walked through the store. "What else do you wanna get, babe?" I asked.

"I wanna look at strollers." She answered. "Then let's go look at strollers, beautiful." I smiled. She giggled as we made our way back to where the baby stuff was. "This one's cute." She said, looking at a black stroller. "Mm, sure you want black?" I questioned. "This one?" She asked. It was the same stroller but red. "I like that one." I smiled. We bought what we had picked out and took it to the car. "Ice cream?" I asked her as we pulled out of the lot. "You read my mind." She giggled as she kissed my cheek. "That's just 'cause I love you, pipa." I chuckled. "I love you too, sugar bear." Hailey smiled. Hailey had a sundae when we got to the ice cream shop.

She would lean over and feed me bites of it, despite me having my own. Though, I didn't mind it. She was quite cute. Cuter than usual for Hailey. She really had been happier lately, now that we were expecting. I couldn't blame her. I was definitely much happier, because we were going to have a baby. My parents were ecstatic about it when we told them. My mother especially. She's a little crazy when it comes to the idea of babies, and this was her first grandchild, so she was extremely excited about it. We all were. When Hailey and I got home we both went upstairs into the nursery and I carried the cans of paint up. "Wanna wait to do this, or what?" I asked her.

"We can do half of it right now and the other half later. Then we'll do the full second coat tomorrow." She answered. "Alright, I'm gonna go get the tarps. Do not open those until you have a paint mask on. Paint fumes aren't good for the baby." I told her, as I went into her paint room to get her spare sets of tarps. "I will never understand why you need so many tarps for one little paint room." I stated as I started rolling out tarps. "I just keep extras in case I need them. I don't wanna get paint on our floors." She responded, her voice muffled by the mask over her nose and mouth. I chuckled.

She rolled her eyes, knowing why I was chuckling at her. "You told me to wear it." She said. "I know I did, love." I nodded. I went downstairs and got paint pans, rollers and brushes out of the closet, taking them up to the nursery. "Harry, honey, you're gonna hit the ceiling with that thing." She said as I carried the roller in. "I won't. I'm watching." I responded. I had one wall nearly finished when I heard a loud thump. "Aw, Harry!" Hailey exclaimed. I hit the ceiling with the damn roller handle. "Fucking damn it." I groaned. "I told you." She said. "I know, I know. Did it leave a mark?" I asked. "No, it doesn't look like it did." She answered.

"You can shorten that handle, you know." She stated. "Well, that woulda been nice to know, 45 seconds ago." I responded. "Don't give me your sass. I'm not the one who hit the fucking ceiling with the fucking paint roller handle." Hailey replied, pulling the paint mask off her face. "Hailey, the paint's still wet! Put that back on." I scolded her. "Oh, wet paint huh? Well, how's this for wet paint?" She said as she ran a paintbrush over my face. "You did not just...." I said as I wiped my cheek. She was fighting back a fit of giggles. "Alright, that's it." I responded as I took a paintbrush to her shirt. "Harry!" She squealed. I laughed and picked her up spinning her around.

Somehow we both ended up on the floor. I was on my back and Hailey was on top of me, straddling my waist. We both continued laughing. That was until Hailey leaned down and brought our lips together. The kiss was chaste at first, before I tilted my head back and slid my tongue inside her mouth. She hummed happily and kissed me back deeply. I slid my hands down from her waist and squeezed her bum. "Harry." She gasped in surprise. She gripped the hem of my shirt and ripped it over my head. I popped the snap on her shorts and pulled them off her. She pulled her own shirt off and I chuckled, leaning forward and kissing her slightly distended stomach. We both knew where it was going and it got there quick from there.

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