Part Sixteen: In The Truck

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\We both wake up at the same time, which is really weird. He has his arm around me and his other is being used as my pillow. I'm facing him and my chest is touching his. Without thinking I lean up and kiss him. "Well good morning to you too." He says when I break away.
"It is a good morning." I tell him. I see that it is still overcast outside but the rain has stopped, along with the wind. I smile a little because I like days like these. Sure, I like the sunlight, I'm not a vampire. But I like overcast days.
"We should probably get going. I bet my mom has left Prim already." I tell him sighing because I really don't want to leave. He nods and we both get out of the sleeping bag, only to find that it is freezing. My sweatshirt lays by the fire that died out, along with my socks. I put them on, surprised that they are actually some what dried. I give Peeta back his sweat shirt and we both put on our shoes. We walk for the door when I grab his hand.
"I'm sorry." I say.
"For what?"
"I shouldn't have lied to you."
"Hey, I lied to you too. I don't have someone else after me; so I should have been the honest one." He says. I shake my head.
"That doesn't give me an excuse."
"It's alright Katniss."
"But I yelled that you weren't my boyfriend right in front of you." I say.
"But, we seem okay now." He smiles again and my heart skips a beat. I look outside the window and I see about 8 people walking toward the little house. It's my friends! How did they find us? Peeta looks outside too and drops my hand.
"What do we do?" He asks and I get an idea.
"I don't want them to know yet. Not before I can talk to Gale. So let's go lay down again, but not like before. We will both lay separately on each side of the room okay? Act like we are asleep." I say and he looks down.
"We won't keep it from them for long right?" He asks and I nod. I grab the sleeping bag and pillow.
"Which one do you want?" I ask.
"Keep them both, I would have let you anyways." He says and I nod, laying down and he does too on the other side. I close my eyes almost all the way, but I have a clear view of the door. And so does he, pretending to be asleep. My friends walk in and I hear then talking about something but stop when they are all finally in. I've never heard silence so loud before. Finally, Gale speaks.
"Let's wake her up."
"What about Peeta?" Clove says and their heads turn to the other side of the room. Gale smiles a little.
"Figured they wold have been sleeping closer and with only one sleeping bag..." Glimmer says.
"Let's just wake them up and get out of here. This place gives me the creeps." Finnick says. The others start walking towards Peeta, but Gale comes to me. He kisses my lips once and I open my eyes to stop him.
"Good morning beautiful." He says.
"Good morning." I say and I stand up. I'm about to walk to the others who are waking up Peeta, when Gale grabs me by the waist.
"We need to talk about the other night." He says.
"Later." I snap and walk away, but he catched up and puts his arm around me again. I look at Peeta. If you were just looking at him, you would see a bored, tired expression. But I'm looking further and I can see the sadness in his eyes while he stares at Gales arm. I offer him a shy smile.
"So what do you guys want to do today?" Annie asks.
"Wait, how did you find us?" I ask.
"Prim." Finnick says. "And I think we should go to that haunted cornfeild. With the actual feild, the house, and the old storage building. That would be fun."
"Do you guys want to?" Cato asks.
"I'm in." Joanna says.
"Me too." Glimmer and Marvel say at the same time. The others nod in agreement. I guess that is what we will be doing tonight. We all leace the little house and a light mist has started. We make our way back to my house, and Gale doesn't let go of me once. I walk ahead of everyone when I find my chance to and I get next to Peeta.
"Hey. That's not what it looks like, he grabbed me." I say low enough so no one can hear me.
"I understand. And we can't make it to noticeable yet." He says.
"All I want is to hold your hand right now." I sigh.
"I know the feeling." He says then turns to the others. "LAST ONE TO THE HOUSE HAS TO BUY LUNCH!" He yells and takes off running. I chase after him which draws Gale of course and everyone makes their way towards my house. I run next to Peeta and he starts to slow down. We let the other go ahead but we don't make it noticeable. Even Gale goes. I stop next to a tree and hide myself from the others, pulling Peeta with me.
"I will tell the girls soon. I will wait to tell the guys until later. Not to much longer." I tell him.
"Let me tell the guys. I won't tell them with Gale there, I will let them know not to say anything to him either. It will make things easier on you." He says and he grabs my waist, leaning me against the tree. I can't smile.
"Okay, you can do that." I say and he leans in to me. I forcefully bring my mouth to his and we can only share a short but sweet kiss before we hear footsteps. of course. We pull away and take off running again. We meet them at the house and Gale eyes my suspiciously so I avoid his eye contact. Turns out, since Peeta and I tied, we both have to pay. I smile and we all get into cars. Gale, Glimmer, Peeta, and Myself get in Peeta's truck and the others fill in the other cars. I get in front with Peeta and Gale is in back with Glimmer. I'm not sure where we are eating, so I guess since we are leading the cars, we get to chose. I suggest Bob Evans and no one argues. We get on the highway and I direct Peeta where to go. We are about to get off the exit when I see it. I see a car coming at us head on, probably going 100 mph. He is swerving a lot so he is probably drunk.
"PEETA!" I scream and every ones attention is on me, so I point at the car. Peeta tries turning the steering wheel, but he knows he is to late. Instead, just as we are about to hit the on coming car, Peeta sheilds me with his body, and I hear a crunching noise. Then I hear the sound of metal on metal, I see blood come from Peeta's head and an ear peircing scream. I don't know if it's mine or Peeta's, but everything goes black.

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