A Drunken Mess (Ch. 10)

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It's been a week. Colton and Maya had been messing with each other the whole week. They got detention twice that week, but that didn't stop them. One of them had to win the challenge until one collapses.

A muscled boy walked toward Maya. He handed her a paper. "Be there at 7." He walked away, going to the next person.

Maya opened up the paper.

Party at **** ******** Street

7:00 - Whenever


Going to a party hosted by some kid who looked as if he were popular or on the football team, but didn't know who he was... Ok.

After school, Maya finished her homework and plopped onto her bed. She got a text. Colton.

Going? -Colton

Yeah. -Maya

Great. See you there, Lemon (; -Colton

The conversation ended. By the time it was 7:45, Maya drove to the party.

There were already a lot of people there. There were even a lot of drunk people... Many were dancing out on the lawn, partying with red cups.

Maya speed walked past them and went inside. It was worst. It had to be more wild than Quinton's. He was probably there, but he didn't matter to her. She searched for Colton. He was the only one Maya was entertained by. Oh, she spotted him, all right.

His hands traveled along Britt's surprisingly clothed back as she was on top of him, kissing him wildly and fiercely. But Colton looked like he was enjoying it.

"Is there any entertainment here?" Maya asked herself.

A hand touched her shoulder. She turned around to see Raya. Why was she at this party?

"Maya!" Raya screamed. Colton broke the kiss with Britt and she started asking questions as Colton looked in the direction of where he heard Maya's name.

"Hey, Raya. Why are you here? You never come to parties.. Well, you're never invited to them."  Maya corrected herself.

Raya laughed and snorted. "Maya wait, I need to tell you something!"

"What?" Maya asked.

"I got invited to this one party, and I'm here. Guess who I saw?" Raya asked. Maya frowned. She's drunk... "I saw you!"

"That's right!" Maya forced a smile. Maya took the drink away from Raya. She put it on the table next to her. "No more."


"No more!" Maya repeated loudly.

"Fine, but you have to promise me one thing." Raya said, pointing at her.

"Which is?"

Raya smiled at her and poked Maya's nose. "Drive me home after because this party is smokin', and it's getting to me!" Hiccup. "Whoooo!"

Raya ran off into the crowd. That was the cheesiest thing she's ever heard. Maya started to make her way to the kitchen because she overheard crunching of a familiar kind. Potato chips.

"Hello, Lemon." Colton greeted, who was standing behind her. Maya turned around.

"Nice lipstick." Maya said, then eyed the pink lipstick marks on his lips and cheek.

Colton's eyes widened and he rushed to the sink. He started washing his face, and Maya casually stuck her hand into the potato chip bowl and started eating away. Colton looked at Maya, his face soaking wet. It was rather... Sexy?

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