Chapter 3; business plan & Zoe

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Chapter 3

I entered my office and placed everything on it's place before I sat down in front of the policy forms for the expansion.

In the afternoon, I suppose, I heard a firm knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door to my office opened and in came that Harry guy.

"I have the business plan, Miss Jenson," he said proudly and handed me the papers.

I looked up at him, frowning.

"Sit," I demanded harshly and he did as told. I scanned the plan and marked the things we had to work through before we put it into reality.

"We have more opportunities than that Mr. Styles. If we only had that then we wouldn't make so much profit and our sales would go down in seconds," I pointed out in annoyance.

"If we would venture to execute it like that then none of the listed goals would make it. I guess we have to change most of it then," I snapped since I had better things to do right now.

Harry just nodded in agreement and I told him to mark the things we had to change whilst I dialed the assistants number which was 1 for short.

"What can I do for you, Miss Jenson?"

"The usual," I spat into the phone. I looked at the man in front of me and contemplated if I should ask him if he wanted something to drink as well since I don't think we will have this done anytime soon.

"Thirsty?" I asked with no emotions what so ever. Harry's head snapped up and he looked like he didn't know what to say, at all.

I rolled my eyes and added, "twice," before I slammed the phone back down.

From the corner of my eye I saw Harry opening his mouth. He hesitated before he closed it again and didn't say anything, at all. I'm nit sure if he will make the two weeks mark.

Five minutes later a knock echoed through my office and I grumbled a loud enough 'come in' before Sara came in with my order. She placed them down and left the room as quick as she came.

Harry lifted his head and looked at me before he looked at the drink and back at me.

"Is there a problem?" I hissed, angrily. He shook his head, "No, Miss Jenson. Thank you for the drink."

I nodded my head sharply and got back to work.

After a while I asked, "is this the way you'll be doing all your tasks or will you put a little more effort into the future business plans?"

"I'm sorry Miss Jenson but I didn't have that much time and worked through it until late at night."

"Is this supposed to be an excuse for your awful work?" I raised my voice at him.

"No, Miss Jenson. I just pointed out the obvious," he looked confident as a little smirk appeared on his face.

I ignored him and continued the work that was supposed to be his.

After more hours of working I looked at the clock to see that it was already late and Harry's shift ended good twenty minutes ago. "Fuck!"

I need this plan for tomorrow mornings meeting.

Harry looked quiet irritated as he stared at me.

"We'll finish this at my home," I snapped and packed all my belongings.

"I can't-"

"I don't care. You handed in this plan which wasn't even half good and now you need to help me fix it. I need it for tomorrow mornings meeting."

I was so angry that I didn't get much work done today.

"Come," I ordered and Harry quickly took the papers and followed me out of my office.

"I'll quickly go and grab my coat and stuff," he stumbled over his words as he got into his little office close by mine.

I waited by the elevator and a minute later he was standing by my side. The elevator door opened and we got in before it made it's way down.

"Did you came here by car?" I asked coldly. I got a nod as a responds from the man next to me.

"I'll let Shawn pick up your car later," I snapped which lead to earning another nod.

He was smart not to argue with me because a wrong word right now and I would be completely furious with him. Finally the elevator came to a stop and Harry followed me towards my car.

I greeted Shawn with a nod and he kind of froze as he saw Harry who sat next to me in the back.

"Stop staring and drive!" I snapped and a few seconds later we were off.

"Hand me your car keys," I ordered as I looked up at Harry.

"What for?" he asked making me roll my eyes.

"So Shawn can pick it up afterwards." He did as told and soon we arrived at my home.

"Get his car," I ordered and handed Shawn the keys for Harry's car. He nodded and opened the door for me.

Soon we were standing in front of my door and I unlocked it so we could go in and finish the stupid business plan.

"Wow," I heard quietly from behind me.

I ignored it and placed my laptop and the half made plan on the table in the living room. Harry copied my actions and did the same while he admired the breathtaking view over New York City.

I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen and soon my housekeeper Teresa stood in front of us with wide eyes.

"Problem?" I hissed annoyed.

"Don't even try that tone with me Zoe," she snapped and I just waved her off.

"I made dinner do you and..."

"Harry," Harry introduced himself from beside me.

"Do you and Harry want some chicken filet with rice?" Teresa asked with a slight smirk.

"We don't have the time to eat Teresa," I snapped again.

"I'm pretty sure Harry is hungry and I know for sure that you are too." She was right but I didn't want to spend more time than needed with Harry.

My stomach growled and Teresa cracked a smile, "I'll take that as a yes." With that she was off to the kitchen and set the table.

Harry & I discussed the marketing stuff and I typed along on my laptop.

"Dinner is ready," Teresa called after ten minutes.

"Let's just finish this quickly," I said mostly to myself.

It didn't take us longer than fifteen minutes before we had it done. Finally.

I leaned back against the couch and ran my hands through my hair with a sigh. I stood up and sat down on the table in front of the prepared food. Harry soon followed and sat down next to me.

"So tell me about yourself, Zoe."

My head snapped up and I glared at Harry. "I'm Miss Jenson for you," I barked and stood up before I stomped into the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water.

I sat back down to see Harry smirking again.


"Tell me about yourself Miss Jenson," he was quiet amused. My glare hardened as he repeated himself. He opened his mouth again but I cut him off before he could've said anything.

"Don't," I warned and continued eating my food with an obnoxious man sitting next to me.


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