Chapter 32; germs & family

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Chapter 32

"Will you ever forgive me?"

I looked at Harry and saw his painful expression. I didn't know what to say. Maybe I will since I heard the whole story but he still gave in to her and it's so painful.

"I don't know Harry," I sighed and placed the food on the back seats as Harry drove off in silence. He stole a few glances of me but other then that he kept quiet. I knew he was devastated but it hurt so much and it still does hurt like a bitch.

"You kissed her at a moment where I needed you the most. You were with her and not me. No matter the circumstances it was you who I needed." I said in a low voice, sounding defeated.

"I love you. More than you will ever know, Zoe."

No more words were said after that. Just silence.

It didn't take us that long to finally arrive at my home. I took the drinks and Riley's Happy Meal before we made our way up to my penthouse. I really needed to get out of it as soon as possible. "FOOD!" Niall & Riley yelled as we placed the food on the couch table.

Without asking which food belongs to who we all just shared and started eating the delicious food. What are germs, right? Niall stole half my burger and Noah finished it so no one really cared at all.

Riley had her own little menu and was happy with the toy Harry & I choose for her.

"So you guys staying for the night?" I asked as I remembered the phone I had bought. I grabbed it and started to set it up. "sure!" Kim answered for everyone. "I'll go get some clothes," Noah announced as he took his car keys and quickly left.

I understood that Riley needed a pyjama since I don't think she's my size at all. It wasn't that late so Riley watched TV as we finished the food. God, I was already weighing ten pounds more.

"You know, Christmas is in a few days with who will you celebrate?" Kim asked carefully. "Well, I was hoping that my parents won't invite me and if they don't then I will just stay home," I shrugged and sipped on my drink.

"Want do you mean 'if they won't invite you'?" Niall asked confused. "Well, last year they were to busy and I celebrated with Teresa," I answered simply and focused on the TV show for kids.

"How about we all celebrate together?" Kim suggested excitedly. "Yea, my parents will come from Ireland anyways and I guess Harry's too so why not make it a huge get together?" Niall agreed also being overly excited.

"I don't know," I shrugged and fiddled with my fingers. "It would be great. Gemma really misses you," Harry told me and I soon found myself agreeing to their suggestion. "Well, let's do it at mine but I won't cook," I said and they all just laughed.

"Alright then it'll be the six of us, Harry's parents and sister, Niall's parents, my parents, Noah's parents and his brother and if your parents have time then they as well," Kim counted after the boys told her who was coming.

"so either sixteen or eighteen."

"I guess it will be sixteen then," I nodded my head already knowing that my parents won't celebrate with us. I had my phone set up and gave them my new number. I transferred the old numbers and everything before setting up that whenever someone calls my old number they will get lead through and the new number would get the call.

A few hours later we were all saying good night and Kim, Noah & Riley got the first guest room whilst Harry & Niall could share the second guest room. When I was laying in my bed I started planning and thinking about my future and what I wanted.

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