Chapter 27; need & voicemail

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Chapter 27


I ran to her side and kneeled down beside her unconscious body. "Wake up Teresa. C'mon wake up!" I shook her but she didn't moved. I quickly got my phone and called an ambulance.

Tears filled my eyes as I sat down beside her. "please," I cried and clutched her hand in mine. "please don't leave me."

Soon I heard the door bell ring and I ran towards the door and opened it to let the paramedics in. They yelled stuff and put her on a stretcher before they got her out of the penthouse.

"How are you related to Mrs. Reynolds?" a paramedic asked me as they closed the doors to the ambulance. I took deep breaths to try to calm down and form a whole sentence.

"She's my housekeeper and my second mother. I know her since as long as I remember," I cried and squeezed her hand hoping that she was okay. The guy nodded and patted my shoulder.

It didn't took long until we arrived at the hospital. Doctors came rushing towards us and I got shoved away. I refused to wait in the waiting room with several other people so I ran down the hall until a nurse stopped me.

"You can't go in there," she said and pointed to where they disappeared with Teresa. I nodded and leaned against the wall before I slid down until I was sitting on the floor with my face in my hands, crying silently.

"Miss, do you want us to call anyone?" someone asked and I looked up to see another nurse. I shook my head and pulled out my phone. I was so mad at him but I needed him to be here with me.

I pressed the call button and held the phone to my ear. It rang several times but he didn't pick up so I spoke on his voicemail. "H-Harry?..I-I need y-you. Please, c-call me back," I ended it before I would start crying again but the loud sob at the end was probably on the voicemail anyways.

Half an hour later he still didn't answer my at least ten calls so I called Niall. I needed someone right now and he was the only one who wasn't mad at me or something.


"N-Niall, I-I need y-you," I sobbed into the phone.

"What is it Zoe? What's wrong? What happened?"

"T-Teresa. Y-You need t-to the hospital."

"I'll be there as soon as I can just stay put. Don't worry Zoe it'll be okay," he said and I heard shuffling in the background before a door slammed shut and he probably ran down some stairs.

"I'll see you soon okay?" he said and I replied with a small 'yes' before he hang up on me. I placed my phone down and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

What if Teresa is sick? What if she won't make it? What would I do without her? I can't loose her. I need her more then anything and she can't leave me alone. I remember when she stood up for me in front of my parents and they threatened to fire her but I defended her and yelled at my parents.

I was sixteen at the time and all I wanted to do was meet up with some friends.


I looked up and saw Niall running towards me. I jumped up and jumped in his arms as he stood in front of me. I broke down crying and he cooed soothing words in my ear, telling me that everything will be fine.

We sat down on the floor and he pulled me into his chest as I continued crying. "Why didn't you call Harry?" he asked after a while. "I-I did! that's the point. He didn't answer me," I cried even more after I thought about Harry.

"You want me to call Kim?"

"I don't know...she hates me," I muttered and let Niall wipe my tears away. "No, she doesn't. We all are just a bit worried about you because you kind of went back to your old self. Always working and no time for your friends."

I nodded, knowing that he was right. "I'll call her," Niall announced and pulled out his phone. He told Kim to come to the hospital and soon he hang up.

"Kim & Noah will come. Riley as at her grandparents."

I nodded and rested my head on his lap. "she needs to be okay," I whispered and didn't know if Niall heard or not. He ran his hands through my hair and rubbed circles on my back, relaxing me.

I closed my eyes and tried to relax a little more. A few minutes later Niall picked up his phone and tried to call someone.

"Where are you mate? Call me back if you get this."

I heard him sigh as he placed his phone down and continued to ran his hands through my hair. Soon I fell into a light sleep with nothing to dream of.


"How is she doing?"

"I don't know. She sleeps since good twenty minutes but I don't think she's okay," I heard Niall's voice as I woke up because of the voices. "Where the hell is Harry?" another male voice asked. Noah.

"I called him hundreds of times but he never picked up. I don't know where he is," Niall answered frustrated.

"I swear he's a fucking asshole. He worked longer than me today but I figured that he would get home soon anyways. Do you think I should go and look for him?" Kim's voice echoed through the hall.

"Maybe later. I think Zoe needs you right now."

I kept my eyes shut for a few minutes longer before I opened them and lifted my upper body to face Kim & Noah, looking at me with concerned expressions.

"oh my baby," Kim let the tears slip out of her eyes as she wrapped her arms around me. "I need her," I whispered ignoring the fact that my heart was aching more and more after Harry didn't pick up his damn phone.

"She'll be okay. She wouldn't leave you without a fight and you know that."

I nodded and cried into her shoulder. You have no idea how much I want Harry's shoulder to take her place but he wasn't here.

"I'm going to the restroom," I told her, making her nod. "Should I come with you?" she asked but I declined her offer and made my way to the restrooms. When I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself I saw me like a complete mess.

My hair was tangled with several knots and my face in general was just red and puffy. My eyes were barely open and the old tears got replaced with new ones without me knowing.

I took my phone out and tried to call Harry again.

Please pick up. Please pick up. Relief washed over me as suddenly he had picked up but it was replaced with several emotions I couldn't quiet make out.

"I know you love it, Harry."


Ouh shit what the hell.

Sorry I left with a cliffhanger once again :/

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