Chapter 13; planning & waiting

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Chapter 13

"so we need to get there like...early?" I asked Kim with a groan. "Yes, we need to be in the front row Zoe. It's a once in a lifetime chance," she argued with me.

The concert was already tomorrow and we were currently in my office planning. I really like Kim and since that day I told her about the tickets we got really close and are kind of friends now.

Everyone else was just shocked that Kim & I got along so well but I ignored it. "so who will accompany us?" she asked as she sipped on her drink. "I don't know," I shrugged and took a sip of my own drink as well.

"Well, how about Harry? I mean, Riley likes him, I like him, you like him," she trailed off with a cheeky grin. "I don't like him," I stated whilst I rolled my eyes at her. Kim got Riley when she was only 18. She married Riley's father when she was 20 and is now 22.

"I may be younger then you but believe me, I see when two people are attracted to each other."

"Nope, you're totally wrong."

"Oh am I?" she teased. "You know, you said I could give the tickets to who I wanted and I'll give Harry one," she said and ran out of my office before I could stop her.

I groaned loudly and waited for her to come back.

"He's coming and even Niall is tagging along because Niall is a freaking Belieber," she grinned happily as she returned two minutes later. "well, it's settled then."

"The plan we made is pretty good by the way," I said to her. Kim had most of the ideas since I never really been to a concert. "It's not the first time I brought camping chairs, blankets and other stuff to a concert."

I laughed at her as she said that. We did bought camping chairs and stuff so we were comfortable whilst waiting for hours. I mean the concert is at 7pm and we planned on getting there at 10am. They would only open the waiting line at 10am and camping and such was not allowed.

Believe me we spend hours planning this.

"We'll take my car. I'll drive," Kim offered as we collected our things to go home since her shift was over and I just leave when I want.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," she said making me nod. "Bye," I waved as she got into the elevator and left. I grabbed my purse and left my office as well before I went to the elevator.

"So, is it okay if I come tomorrow?"

I turned around and saw Harry scratching his neck. "Sure, Kim invited you."

He nodded and soon we both got into the elevator. "I'll see you tomorrow then," Harry said as we left the building. I nodded my head and got into the car before Shawn drove me home.

The next morning I was literally waiting in front of my front door with everything packed. I was just really excited. The door bell soon rang and I jumped up to open the door.


Kim looked around with wide eyes. "You live here?" little Riley asked as she ran to the huge ceiling to floor windows. "look Mommy!" she yelled as she pointed to the little people on the streets.

A few minutes later we decided to pick up the boys. "Where are we going?" Riley asked as I sat next to her in the backseat. "It's the surprise I told you about," I told her making her eyes widen. "really?" she asked excitedly making me nod.

Soon we arrived at the boys apartment and I told Kim to get them but she blabbered about how she didn't know which apartment and that she would probably get lost if I told her the directions.

I shot her a cold glare before I asked if Riley wanted to come and she nodded eagerly. I picked her up and walked into the building and soon stood in front of their apartment.

I knocked three times and the doors immediately opened. "Hey," Harry said awkwardly. "Hey," I stared at him blankly. "Ready to go?" I asked and he just nodded as he yelled for Niall to come.

"are you excited?" he asked me as we heard shuffling in the background. "yes, I've never been to a...concert," I mouthed the last part so Riley wouldn't hear. It was her surprise after all. He nodded and just then Niall popped up next to Harry.

"I'm ready. Let's go."

"Hello!" Riley said loudly as she waved over my shoulder to the boys as they followed us outside to the car. We got into he car and stupid Kim told Niall to get into the front seat so I was stuck with Harry.

Kim & Niall made some small talk whilst I was silent almost the whole ride.

"Where here!" Kim yelled without a reason, she could've just whispered it since it was silence the whole time. "thank god," I muttered and unbuckled Riley who seemed to be asleep. That explained why she was so silent the whole ride.

We jumped out of the car and took all the things we had for the almost nine hours we had to wait for this concert to start. Kim took Riley and the boys and I took the blankets and the two chairs we had.

We didn't know that Harry & Niall would tag along so we only bought two but we had enough blankets to sit on. It was only September but it was freezing so I was glad that Kim had the ideas to buy blankets.

It was already ten so we could wait inline where only about twenty people where but whilst we put everything on the floor the line got longer and longer. "I can't believe this was my idea," I muttered as Niall & Harry took the seats on the comfortable chairs.

"you serious?" Kim groaned. "Yes," Niall said and took Riley from her who was awake by now but still half asleep. I put a blanket on the ground and sat on it. If I have to sit here for nine freaking hours then I might just leave.

"Now what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Everyone shrugged and the boys started playing with Riley who was now wide awake. "They start selling merch soon. We all need matching shirts," Kim grinned at me. I shrugged, "maybe."

"don't be a party pooper. Have some fun."

I ignored her and looked around to see all those teenage girls posting pictures and stuff. They were all ditching school since it was Friday but Hey, I'm ditching work too.

I got really bored as I observed all those people who came just to see Justin Bieber. That boy is definitely loaded.

"Zoe! Help me!" Riley screamed as the boys tickled her. I get up and tickled Niall but he didn't even mind. "That's not fair," I groaned as he showed no affection. He grinned at me and started tickling me instead of Riley.

Harry stopped tickling Riley as well and she ran towards her mommy and sat in her lap. I fell onto Niall's lap and laughed hysterically.

"Stop! Please!"

"Oh my god, she said please," Niall gasped and stopped tickling me before he wrapped his arms around me for a hug. "take your fingers off of me," I groaned and tried to push him off.

I kind of found a liking in those fools.


Am I the only one who hates those freaking add videos? 🙄

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