Chapter 30; tears & a dress like that

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Chapter 30

Her breathing slowed down and I wrapped her body in my arms as she closed her eyes and soon she took her last breath. A machine started doing some weird noise before the doctor ran into the room.

"I'm sorry Miss."

I nodded my head and kissed Teresa's temple as I left the room. I wanted to cry but I guess I had no tears left to do so. My vision blurred as I walked slowly down the hallway towards the exit.

It felt like it took me years to finally push open the doors of the exit. I stumbled out of the building and made my way down the path. I couldn't even call Shawn or a cab since I smashed my phone.

I looked around and saw Niall & Harry sitting on a bench with their eyes closed. I made my way towards them and shook Niall awake. He immediately jumped up and pulled me into a tight hug.

"bring me home, please," I said as I pulled the hood of my adidas jacket over my head. He nodded and shook Harry awake who stared at me intensely. I turned around and felt his gaze burning the back of my head.

"Stop looking at me," I mumbled and just then my body decided to produce new tears. Harry looked away and told us that he had his car parked nearby so without me saying another word I got into Niall's car.

"I would've asked if you wanted to crash at ours but I don't think you want because of Harry," Niall said awkwardly. "Just take me home," I said quietly and he nodded as we soon arrived at my home.

"You know I can stay with you if you want?"

"thank you Niall. Good night."

I slammed the car door shut and made my way towards my penthouse. I went to the kitchen and saw half made, cold food which I had to throw in the trash because I couldn't eat that anymore.

Not having a phone in times like this is kinda weird. I remember when I was younger that I would turn my phone of a few days but sometimes I still wanted to know what everyone was doing or if someone had texted me.

I wasn't even thinking about going to work tomorrow or doing anything else in that matter.


The next day I stayed in comfortable clothes and laid in my bed or on my couch the whole time. Occasionally, I would start crying or just hit a pillow but that was my way of grieving I guess. Adding to that I wanted to be alone.

In the Afternoon I got really hungry because I didn't eat anything at all since yesterday. To my luck I had a private home phone where only my family knows the number. I called domino's and ordered a pizza.

I then turned the TV on and watched some random show. I didn't pay much attention anyways and not even twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. I took out some money and opened the door.

The delivery guy gave me my pizza and I paid him before I sat back down on the couch and munched on the delicious pizza. It was my all time favorite food.

I spend the rest of the day watching movies until I heard the door bell rang. I looked through the little hole and saw Kim & Niall standing there. I didn't want company so I stayed quiet.

"Zoe! We know you're in there!"

I appreciated that they wanted to keep me company and cheer me up but I didn't want that. All I wanted was to be alone right now. After several knocks and ringing of my doorbell they had left.

I felt sorry but I just couldn't do it.

At around 11pm I heard my doorbell ring again. I walked towards the door just because I was curious of who it could be I mean, it would be a shame if Ryan Gosling showed up and I ignored him, right?

Miss CEO | Harry Styles (AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ